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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing B, G, H, 2I and S

ABOLISHINGabolishing v. Present participle of abolish.
ABOLISH v. to put an end to.
BLEMISHINGblemishing v. Present participle of blemish.
BLEMISH v. to mar.
BLIGHTINGSblightings n. Plural of blighting.
BLIGHTING n. the act of blighting.
BLINDSIGHTblindsight n. The responsivity shown by some blind or partially blind people to visual stimuli of which they are not…
BLINDSIGHT n. the ability to respond to visual stimuli without having any conscious visual experience; it can occur after some forms of brain damage.
BURNISHINGburnishing v. Present participle of burnish.
burnishing n. A polishing.
BURNISHING n. the act of creating a burnish.
DISHABLINGdishabling v. Present participle of dishable.
DISHABLE v. (Spenser) to render incapable, also DISABLE.
FURBISHINGfurbishing v. Present participle of furbish.
furbishing n. The act by which something is furbished.
FURBISH v. to rub or scour to brightness.
HEBRAISINGHebraising v. Present participle of Hebraise.
HEBRAISE v. to make Hebrew, also HEBRAIZE.
NIGHTBIRDSnightbirds n. Plural of nightbird.
night␣birds n. Plural of night bird.
NIGHTBIRD n. a bird that flies or sings at night.
PHILLIBEGSphillibegs n. Plural of phillibeg.
PUBLISHINGpublishing n. The industry of publishing, including the production and distribution of books, magazines, web sites, newspapers, etc.
publishing n. Something published; a publication.
publishing v. Present participle of publish.
RUBBISHINGrubbishing v. Present participle of rubbish.
rubbishing adj. (Dated) trashy; paltry.
RUBBISH v. to criticize.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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