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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, G, H, 2I and T

ADHIBITINGadhibiting v. Present participle of adhibit.
ADHIBIT v. to attach; to administer, esp. as a remedy.
BEDIGHTINGbedighting v. Present participle of bedight.
BEDIGHT v. (archaic) to equip, array, furnish.
BEHIGHTINGbehighting v. Present participle of behight.
BEHIGHT v. (obsolete) to vow, to promise, also BEHOTE.
BENIGHTINGbenighting v. Present participle of benight.
benighting n. A plunging into darkness or ignorance.
BENIGHTING n. being overtaken with night.
BETHINKINGbethinking n. The act of thinking, thinking about, considering, reflecting, or remembering.
bethinking v. Present participle of bethink.
BETHINK v. to call to mind.
BEWITCHINGbewitching n. The act by which somebody is bewitched; a curse or enchantment.
bewitching adj. Enchanting.
BEWITCH v. to affect by witchcraft.
BIRTHNIGHTbirthnight n. The night of someone’s birth.
birthnight n. The anniversary of that night in subsequent years.
BIRTHNIGHT n. the night in which a person is born; the anniversary of that night in succeeding years.
BIRTHRIGHTbirthright n. Something owed since birth, due to inheritance.
BIRTHRIGHT n. a right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth.
BLIGHTINGSblightings n. Plural of blighting.
BLIGHTING n. the act of blighting.
BLINDSIGHTblindsight n. The responsivity shown by some blind or partially blind people to visual stimuli of which they are not…
BLINDSIGHT n. the ability to respond to visual stimuli without having any conscious visual experience; it can occur after some forms of brain damage.
BLITHERINGblithering adj. Talking incoherently; jabbering.
blithering v. Present participle of blither.
blithering n. Incoherent or foolish talk.
COHABITINGcohabiting v. Present participle of cohabit.
COHABIT v. to dwell together as husband and wife.
COHIBITINGcohibiting v. Present participle of cohibit.
COHIBIT v. to restrain.
EXHIBITINGexhibiting v. Present participle of exhibit.
EXHIBIT v. to display publicly.
INHABITINGinhabiting v. Present participle of inhabit.
INHABIT v. to live in.
INHIBITINGinhibiting v. Present participle of inhibit.
INHIBIT v. to restrain or hold back.
NIGHTBIRDSnightbirds n. Plural of nightbird.
night␣birds n. Plural of night bird.
NIGHTBIRD n. a bird that flies or sings at night.
NIGHTBLINDnightblind adj. Alternative form of night-blind.
night-blind adj. (Medicine) unable to see clearly in low light; suffering from night blindness.
night␣blind adj. Alternative spelling of night-blind.
REBIRTHINGrebirthing n. (Spirituality) Rebirth.
rebirthing n. (Video games, online gaming) An act of resetting a player character’s level to its initial value (i…
rebirthing n. (New Age) The practice of simulating the birth process by wrapping a child tightly in blankets from…
THIMBLERIGthimblerig n. A game of skill which requires the bettor to guess under which of three small cups (or thimbles) a pea-sized…
thimblerig n. One operating such a game.
thimblerig v. (Intransitive) To cheat in the thimblerig game.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 14 words

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