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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, H, N, 2O and S

BESOOTHINGbesoothing v. Present participle of besoothe.
BESOOTHE v. to soothe.
BOARHOUNDSboarhounds n. Plural of boarhound.
Boarhounds n. Plural of Boarhound.
BOARHOUND n. a dog used to hunt boar.
BONHOMMIESbonhommies n. Plural of bonhommie.
BONHOMMIE n. (French) good nature; a pleasant and easy manner, also BONHOMIE.
BUFFOONISHbuffoonish adj. Characteristic of a buffoon.
BUFFOONISH adj. like a buffoon.
GYNOPHOBESgynophobes n. Plural of gynophobe.
GYNOPHOBE n. a person who hates or fears women.
HALOBIONTShalobionts n. Plural of halobiont.
HALOBIONT n. an organism living in a salt environment.
HOBGOBLINShobgoblins n. Plural of hobgoblin.
HOBGOBLIN n. a mischievous fairy; a frightful apparition.
HOBNOBBERShobnobbers n. Plural of hobnobber.
HOBNOBBER n. one who hobnobs.
HONEYCOMBShoneycombs n. Plural of honeycomb.
honeycombs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of honeycomb.
HONEYCOMB v. to make like a honeycomb.
HOUSEBOUNDhousebound adj. Restricted to one’s home, as by physical infirmity.
HOUSEBOUND adj. confined to the house.
NEOPHOBIASneophobias n. Plural of neophobia.
NEOPHOBIA n. fear of novelty.
NOSOPHOBIAnosophobia n. An excessive or irrational fear of contracting a disease, such as: HIV/AIDS, pulmonary tuberculosis…
NOSOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of contracting diseases.
REBLOCHONSreblochons n. Plural of reblochon.
Reblochons n. Plural of Reblochon.
REBLOCHON n. a delicately-flavoured soft cheese, made chiefly in the Savoie region of France.
SOUTHBOUNDsouthbound adv. Toward the south.
southbound adj. Which is (or will be) travelling south.
SOUTHBOUND adj. travelling or heading south.
XENOPHOBESxenophobes n. Plural of xenophobe.
XENOPHOBE n. one who hates foreigners.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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