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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing B, I, L, 2R and T

ARBALISTERarbalister n. (Obsolete) A crossbowman.
ARBITRABLEarbitrable adj. (Law) Able to be arbitrated; subject to arbitration.
ARBITRABLE adj. capable of being decided by arbitration.
ATRABILIARatrabiliar adj. (Obsolete) melancholy; atrabilious.
ATRABILIAR adj. melancholy or morose, also ATRABILIOUS.
BLISTERIERBLISTERY adj. having blisters.
BLUSTERIERblusterier adj. Comparative form of blustery: more blustery.
BLUSTERY adj. windy.
BREASTRAILbreastrail n. The upper rail of any parapet of ordinary height, as of a balcony, the railing of a quarterdeck, etc.
BREASTRAIL n. the upper rail of any parapet of ordinary height, as of a balcony.
CALIBRATERCALIBRATER n. one who calibrates, also CALIBRATOR.
CALIBRATORcalibrator n. A person or device that calibrates.
CALIBRATOR n. one who calibrates, also CALIBRATER.
LIBERATORSliberators n. Plural of liberator.
LIBERATOR n. one who liberates.
LIBERATORYliberatory adj. Serving to liberate.
LIBERATORY adj. tending, or serving, to liberate.
LUBRICATORlubricator n. A device that lubricates, that applies lubricant.
lubricator n. A person employed to lubricate.
LUBRICATOR n. one who, or that which, lubricates.
LUBRITORIALUBRITORIUM n. a place in a garage or service station where motor vehicles are lubricated.
REVERTIBLErevertible adj. Able to be reverted.
REVERTIBLE adj. capable of being reverted; as, a revertible estate.
REWRITABLErewritable adj. Able to be rewritten, or written again.
REWRITABLE adj. (of a CD, flash drive, etc.) able to record information over the top of existing information, also REWRITEABLE.
TAILORBIRDtailorbird n. A small warbler of the genus Orthotomus, usually brightly coloured, with green or grey upperparts and…
TAILORBIRD n. a kind of Asian warbler.
TRITURABLEtriturable adj. Capable of being triturated.
TRITURABLE adj. capable of being triturated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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