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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing B, E, 2G, O and R

BEGGARHOODSbeggarhoods n. Plural of beggarhood.
BEGGARHOOD n. the state of being a beggar.
BEGLAMORINGbeglamoring v. Present participle of beglamor.
BEGLAMOR v. to dazzle with glamor.
BOONDOGGLERboondoggler n. A person who boondoggles; a wastrel.
BOONDOGGLER n. one who engages in boondoggling.
BOOTLEGGERSbootleggers n. Plural of bootlegger.
BOOTLEGGER n. one who supplies e.g. illicit whisky.
BOURGEONINGbourgeoning v. Present participle of bourgeon.
bourgeoning n. Sprouting or blossoming.
bourgeoning adj. That bourgeons.
BULLDOGGERSbulldoggers n. Plural of bulldogger.
BULLDOGGER n. one who bulldogs, wrestles steers.
DAGGERBOARDdaggerboard n. (Nautical) A retractable centreboard that slides out to act as a keel.
dagger␣board n. (Nautical) A sliding centreboard used in some Chinese junks and dinghies, allowing for speedy maneuvering.
DAGGERBOARD n. a light, narrow, completely removable centreboard.
GARBOLOGIESGARBOLOGY n. the study of society or culture by examining or analyzing its refuse.
GLOBIGERINAGlobigerina prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Globigerinidae – plankton that have apparently been in existence…
GLOBIGERINA n. a minute marine invertebrate of the genus Globigerina, with a calcareous shell of globose chambers in a spiral.
LIVEBLOGGERliveblogger n. A person who liveblogs.
LIVEBLOGGER n. one who keeps a liveblog.
NEIGHBORINGneighboring adj. (American spelling) Situated or living nearby or adjacent to.
neighboring v. (American spelling) present participle of neighbor.
NEIGHBOR v. to live close by, border on, also NEIGHBOUR.
TARBOGGINEDtarboggined v. Simple past tense and past participle of tarboggin.
TARBOGGIN v. to sledge on a tarboggin, also TABOGGAN, TOBOGGAN, TOBOGGIN.
TOBOGGANERStobogganers n. Plural of tobogganer.
TOBOGGANER n. one who uses a toboggan, also TOBOGGANIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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