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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 15 fifteen-letter words containing B, O, R, S, T and Z

BASTARDIZATIONSbastardizations n. Plural of bastardization.
BASTARDIZATION n. the process of bastardizing, also BASTARDISATION.
BIPOLARIZATIONSbipolarizations n. Plural of bipolarization.
BIPOLARIZATION n. the act of bipolarizing, also BIPOLARISATION.
BOWDLERIZATIONSbowdlerizations n. Plural of bowdlerization.
BOWDLERIZATION n. the act of bowdlerizing, also BOWDLERISATION.
DINITROBENZENESdinitrobenzenes n. Plural of dinitrobenzene.
DINITROBENZENE n. any of three isomeric toxic compounds.
GYROSTABILIZERSgyrostabilizers n. Plural of gyrostabilizer.
gyro-stabilizers n. Plural of gyro-stabilizer.
GYROSTABILIZER n. a gyroscopic device for countering the roll of a ship, etc., also GYROSTABILISER.
LIBERALIZATIONSliberalizations n. Plural of liberalization.
LIBERALIZATION n. the act of liberalizing, also LIBERALISATION.
REMOBILIZATIONSremobilizations n. Plural of remobilization.
REMOBILIZATION n. the act of remobilizing, also REMOBILISATION.
RESTABILIZATIONrestabilization n. The process of restabilizing.
STROBILIZATIONSstrobilizations n. Plural of strobilization.
STROBILIZATION n. production or reproduction by strobilae, also STROBILISATION.
SUBCATEGORIZINGsubcategorizing v. Present participle of subcategorize.
SUBCATEGORIZE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORISE.
SUBORGANIZATIONsuborganization n. An organization belonging to a larger parent organization.
SUBORGANIZATION n. a subsidiary part of an organisation, also SUBORGANISATION.
SUBURBANIZATIONsuburbanization n. The process of suburbanizing, of population movement from cities to suburbs.
SUBURBANIZATION n. the act of suburbanizing, also SUBURBANISATION.
TABULARIZATIONStabularizations n. Plural of tabularization.
TABULARIZATION n. the process of tabularizing, also TABULARISATION.
ZYGOBRANCHIATESZYGOBRANCHIATE n. a type of gastropod having paired, symmetrically placed gills, also ZYGOBRANCH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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