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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing B, C, E, 2I and S

BIOCIDESbiocides n. Plural of biocide.
BIOCIDE n. a substance that kills living material.
BRICKIESbrickies n. Plural of brickie.
brickies n. Plural of bricky.
BRICKIE n. (colloquial) a bricklayer.
CICISBEIcicisbei n. Plural of cicisbeo.
CICISBEO n. (Italian) a lover of a married woman.
CICISBEOcicisbeo n. (Now chiefly historical) A man who escorts a married woman to social functions, especially in 18th-century…
CICISBEO n. (Italian) a lover of a married woman.
IMBRICESimbrices n. Plural of imbrex.
IMBREX n. (Latin) in Roman buildings, one of a series of usually curved tiles fitting over flat tiles.
INSCRIBEinscribe v. (Transitive) To write or cut (words) onto (something, especially a hard surface, or a book to be given…
inscribe v. (Geometry) To draw a circle, sphere, etc. inside a polygon, polyhedron, etc. and tangent to all its sides.
INSCRIBE v. to write or engrave as a lasting record.
MISCIBLEmiscible adj. (Physics, of liquids) Able to be mixed together in all proportions.
MISCIBLE adj. capable of being mixed, also MIXABLE, MIXIBLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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