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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing B, E, 2L, S and U

BALLUTESballutes n. Plural of ballute.
BALLUTE n. a small inflatable parachute.
BLELLUMSBLELLUM n. (Scots) an idle boring chatterer.
BUCELLASBucellas n. A Portuguese wine from an area to the north of Lisbon.
BUCELLAS n. (Portuguese) a white wine from Bucellas near Lisbon.
BULBLETSbulblets n. Plural of bulblet.
BULBLET n. a small bulb, also BULBEL, BULBIL.
BULLACESbullaces n. Plural of bullace.
BULLACE n. a small wild plum fruit and tree.
BULLIESTbulliest adj. Superlative form of bully: most bully.
BULLY adj. wonderful.
BULLNOSEbullnose n. (Construction) rounded ceramic trim, especially in masonry and ceramic tile.
bullnose n. (Uncountable) A bacterial disease of suckling or weanling pigs, characterized by sores in the mouth or upon the lips.
BULLNOSE n. swine snout disease.
BULLPENSbullpens n. Plural of bullpen.
BULLPEN n. an enclosure for bulls or prisoners.
BULLSEYEbullseye n. (Military, firearms) The centre of a target, inside the inner and magpie.
bullseye n. A shot which hits the centre of a target.
bullseye n. (Darts) The two central rings on a dartboard.
BURRELLSBurrells prop.n. Plural of Burrell.
BURRELL n. (Hindi) a Himalayan blue sheep, also BHARAL, BURHEL, BURREL, BURRHEL.
GLOBULESglobules n. Plural of globule.
GLOBULE n. a small spherical mass.
LIBELOUSlibelous adj. Defamatory, libeling, referring to something that causes harm to someone’s reputation especially with…
libelous adj. Meeting the legal standards for libel.
LIBELOUS adj. relating to libel, also LIBELLOUS.
LOBULOSElobulose adj. Alternative form of lobulous.
LOBULOSE adj. having lobules, also LOBULATE, LOBULATED.
RUBELLASRUBELLA n. (Latin) a virus disease, German measles.
SEMIBULLsemibull n. (Rare) A bull issued by a pope in the period between election and coronation.
SEMIBULL n. a bull issued by a pope in the period between his election and coronation.
SOLUBLESsolubles n. Liquid, containing dissolved and dispersed solids, that is a byproduct of alcoholic fermentation, and…
SOLUBLE n. something that is soluble.
SUBCELLSsubcells n. Plural of subcell.
SUBCELL n. a subdivision of a cell.
SUBLEVELsublevel n. An intermediate level between others in a mine.
sublevel n. (Physics) A subshell.
sublevel n. (Video games) A level making up part of a larger level.
SUBSHELLsubshell n. (Chemistry, physics) Atomic orbitals for which the values of the n and l quantum numbers are the same…
subshell n. (Computing) A child process launched by a shell.
SUBSHELL n. one of the orbitals making up an electron shell of an atom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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