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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing B, H, I, O, S and T

BIOTECHSbiotechs n. Plural of biotech.
BIOTECH n. applied biological science.
BIRDSHOTbirdshot n. A small lead or steel shot, or ammunition, used in shotgun shells.
birdshot n. A rifle or pistol cartridge containing small shot instead of a single larger projectile.
BIRDSHOT n. small shot for shooting birds.
COHABITScohabits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cohabit.
COHABIT v. to dwell together as husband and wife.
COHIBITScohibits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cohibit.
COHIBIT v. to restrain.
FISHBOATfishboat n. A fishing boat.
FISHBOAT n. a watercraft used for fishing.
FISHBOLTfishbolt n. (Engineering) A bolt used to fasten fishplates.
FISHBOLT n. a type of bolt.
GOBSHITEgobshite n. (Ireland, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, slang, offensive, vulgar) One who engages in nonsensical…
gobshite n. (Ireland, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, slang, offensive, vulgar) A person of very poor judgment…
GOBSHITE n. (offensive) a garrulous stupid idiot.
HAUTBOIShautbois n. Any of a family of organ stops that contain reeds.
hautbois n. Any of the (now obsolete) predecessors of the oboe or cor anglais.
HAUTBOIS n. (French) a large kind of strawberry, also HAUBOIS, HAUTBOY.
HOBBYISThobbyist n. A person who is interested in an activity or a subject as a hobby.
hobbyist n. (Slang, sex work) A client in a girlfriend experience.
HOBBYIST n. one who pursues a hobby.
HOLIBUTSholibuts n. Plural of holibut.
HOLIBUT n. a flatfish, also HALIBUT.
HOLUBTSIholubtsi n. (Canada, especially western) cabbage rolls.
HOLUBTSI n. (Polish) cabbage rolls.
ISOBATHSisobaths n. Plural of isobath.
ISOBATH n. a contour line connecting points of equal water depth.
PHOBISTSphobists n. Plural of phobist.
PHOBIST n. someone with a phobia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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