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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing B, M, O, R, T and U

BOTHRIUMbothrium n. (Zoology) A tentacle; a nerve ending that has a similar morphology.
BOTHRIUM n. (Latin) a groove on a tapeworm.
MARABOUTmarabout n. A Muslim holy man or mystic, especially in parts of North Africa.
marabout n. The tomb or shrine of such a person.
MARABOUT n. (French) an African stork, also MARABOU.
MOTORBUSmotorbus n. A motorised bus, or coach.
MOTORBUS n. a bus driven by an internal-combustion engine.
MOWBURNTmowburnt adj. (Obsolete) Of hay: stacked before it is sufficiently dry, leading to excessive fermentation and sometimes toxicity.
MOWBURN v. to heat and ferment.
STROMBUSstrombus n. (Zoology) Any conch of the genus Strombus. Most subspecies are known as forms of fighting conches.
Strombus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Strombidae – formerly included most conches, now many are in other genera.
STROMBUS n. (Greek) a very large gastropod related to the whelk, also STROMB.
SUBSTORMsubstorm n. (Astronomy) A phenomenon in which a magnetotail becomes swollen and unstable.
SUBSTORM n. activity that disrupts the magnetic field of a planet.
TAMBOURAtamboura n. Alternative spelling of tambura.
TAMBOURA n. (Arabic) an Eastern stringed instrument, used to produce a drone, also TAMBUR, TAMBURA.
TAMBOURStambours n. Plural of tambour.
TAMBOUR v. to embroider on a round wooden frame.
THROMBUSthrombus n. (Hematology, pathology) A blood clot formed from platelets and other elements that forms in a blood…
THROMBUS n. (Greek) a clot occluding a blood vessel.
TUBEWORMtubeworm n. Any of many marine polychaete worms, mostly of the family Serpulidae, which construct permanent calcareous…
tube␣worm n. Alternative form of tubeworm.
TUBEWORM n. a marine worm that builds and lives in a tube.
TUBIFORMtubiform adj. Having the form of a tube.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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