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There are 12 nine-letter words containing B, E, I, N, O and Y

ANYBODIESanybodies pron. (Nonstandard) plural of anybody.
anybodies pron. (Nonstandard) possessive form of anybody.
ANYBODY n. a single person.
BIOENERGYbioenergy n. Energy produced from a biological resource such as biomass as biofuel.
bioenergy n. (New Age) A form of spiritual energy or life force.
bio␣energy n. Alternative form of bioenergy.
BLEOMYCINbleomycin n. (Pharmacology) Any of a family of antineoplastic drug obtained from Streptomyces verticillus.
BLEOMYCIN n. a glycopeptide antibiotic drug used in the treatment of cancer and Hodgkins Disease.
BODYLINESbodylines n. Plural of bodyline.
body␣lines n. Plural of body line.
BODYLINE n. in cricket, a style of bowling, directly at the batsman.
BOOGEYINGBOOGEY v. to dance to rock music, also BOOGIE, BOOGY.
BOYFRIENDboyfriend n. A male partner in an unmarried romantic relationship.
boyfriend n. A male friend.
boy-friend n. Alternative form of boyfriend.
BYTOWNITEbytownite n. (Mineralogy) A plagioclase feldspar, the fifth member of the Albite-Anorthite solid solution series…
BYTOWNITE n. a plagioclase intermediate between anorthite and labradorite.
EMBODYINGembodying v. Present participle of embody.
embodying n. Embodiment.
EMBODY v. to form into a body, also IMBODY.
EMBRYONICembryonic adj. (Embryology) Of or relating to an embryo.
embryonic adj. (Figuratively) Of a project, etc: very new and still evolving; yet to reach its full potential.
EMBRYONIC adj. of or like an embryo, also EMBRYONAL, EMBRYOTIC.
OBSCENITYobscenity n. (Countable) Something that is obscene.
obscenity n. (Countable) An act of obscene behaviour.
obscenity n. (Countable) Specifically, an offensive word; a profanity; a dirty word.
REBODYINGrebodying v. Present participle of rebody.
REBODY v. to renew the body of.
YOHIMBINEyohimbine n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) A toxic crystalline compound obtained from the bark of the yohimbe…
YOHIMBINE n. (Bantu) an alkaloid obtained from the bark of a West African tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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