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There are 17 words containing 2B, D, L, S and Y

ABSORBEDLYabsorbedly adv. In a manner as if wholly engrossed or engaged.
ABSORBED adv. ABSORB, to take up or in.
ADSORBABILITYadsorbability n. A measure of the degree to which a material is capable of adsorption.
ADSORBABILITY n. the ability to be adsorbed.
BABYDOLLSbabydolls n. Plural of babydoll.
baby␣dolls n. Plural of baby doll.
BABYDOLL n. a woman's short nightdress.
BELLYBANDSbellybands n. Plural of bellyband.
belly-bands n. Plural of belly-band.
belly␣bands n. Plural of belly band.
BODYBUILDERSbodybuilders n. Plural of bodybuilder.
BODYBUILDER n. one who engages in bodybuilding.
BODYBUILDINGSBODYBUILDING n. the sport of building up one's physique.
BODYBUILDSbodybuilds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bodybuild.
BODYBUILD v. to build up one's body.
GOBBLEDYGOOKSgobbledygooks n. Plural of gobbledygook.
GOBBLEDYGOOK n. unintelligible official jargon, also GOBBLEDEGOOK.
HOBBLEDEHOYDOMSHOBBLEDEHOYDOM n. the state of being a hobbledehoy, an awkward young fellow, also HOBBLEDEHOYHOOD, HOBBLEDEHOYISM.
HOBBLEDEHOYISHhobbledehoyish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a hobbledehoy.
HOBBLEDEHOYISH adj. like a hobbledehoy, an awkward young fellow.
HOBBLEDEHOYISMhobbledehoyism n. Hobbledehoyhood.
HOBBLEDEHOYISM n. the state of being a hobbledehoy, also HOBBLEDEHOYDOM, HOBBLEDEHOYHOOD.
HOBBLEDEHOYShobbledehoys n. Plural of hobbledehoy.
HOBBLEDEHOY n. an awkward young fellow.
HYBRIDISABLEhybridisable adj. Alternative form of hybridizable.
HYBRIDISABLE adj. capable of being hybridised, also HYBRIDIZABLE.
INDESCRIBABLYindescribably adv. In an indescribable manner.
INDESCRIBABLE adv. that cannot be described.
PSYCHOBABBLEDpsychobabbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of psychobabble.
PSYCHOBABBLE v. to use language laden with jargon from psychotherapy or psychiatry used without much concern for accuracy.
SUBDUABLYSUBDUABLE adv. able to be subdued.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 199 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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