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There are 20 words containing B, 2C, P, R and Y

CYBERSPACEcyberspace n. A world of information accessed through the Internet.
cyberspace n. (By extension, somewhat dated) The Internet as a whole.
cyberspace n. (Science fiction) A three-dimensional representation of virtual space in a computer network.
CYBERPHOBICcyberphobic adj. Pertaining to, or afflicted by, cyberphobia.
CYBERPHOBIC adj. suffering from cyberphobia.
CYBERSPACEScyberspaces n. Plural of cyberspace.
CYBERSPACE n. the virtual world of computers.
PRACTICABLYpracticably adv. In a practicable manner.
PRACTICABLE adv. that can be effected.
BRACHYCEPHALBRACHYCEPHAL n. a short-headed person.
BRONCHOSCOPYbronchoscopy n. (Medicine) A technique for viewing the bronchi using a flexible instrument called a bronchoscope.
BRONCHOSCOPY n. examination of the bronchi.
BRACHYCEPHALSBRACHYCEPHAL n. a short-headed person.
BRACHYCEPHALYbrachycephaly n. (Pathology) A congenital condition wherein the skull is flattened front-to-back, so that the head is short and broad.
BRACHYCEPHALY n. the state of being brachycephalic, short-headed.
CAMPYLOBACTERcampylobacter n. Any bacteria of the genus Campylobacter; a principal cause of food poisoning.
Campylobacter prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Campylobacteraceae – the campylobacter bacteria.
CAMPYLOBACTER n. a bacterium that is a common cause of gastroenteritis in humans, and also of abortion in cattle and sheep.
IMPRACTICABLYimpracticably adv. In an impracticable way.
IMPRACTICABLE adv. not practicable.
BRACHYCEPHALICbrachycephalic adj. (Of a person or animal) Having a head that is short from front to back (relative to its width from left to right).
brachycephalic n. A brachycephalic person or creature.
BRACHYCEPHALIC adj. short-headed, esp. having a skull whose breadth is 80 per cent or more of its length.
CAMPYLOBACTERScampylobacters n. Plural of campylobacter.
CAMPYLOBACTER n. a bacterium that is a common cause of gastroenteritis in humans, and also of abortion in cattle and sheep.
HYPERCATABOLIChypercatabolic adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, hypercatabolism.
POLYCARBOXYLICpolycarboxylic adj. (Chemistry) Having multiple carboxylic functional groups.
POLYCARBOXYLIC adj. of or like a polycarboxylate.
PRACTICABILITYpracticability n. The state of being practicable; feasibility.
PRACTICABILITY n. the state of being practicable.
BRACHYCEPHALICSbrachycephalics n. Plural of brachycephalic.
BRACHYCEPHALIC n. a short-headed person.
BRACHYCEPHALIESbrachycephalies n. Plural of brachycephaly.
BRACHYCEPHALY n. the state of being brachycephalic, short-headed.
BRACHYCEPHALISMbrachycephalism n. Dated form of brachycephaly.
BRACHYCEPHALISM n. the state of being brachycephalic, short-headed.
BRACHYCEPHALOUSbrachycephalous adj. Relating to brachycephaly; brachycephalic.
BRACHYCEPHALOUS adj. short-headed, esp. having a skull whose breadth is 80 per cent or more of its length.
SUPERINCUMBENCYsuperincumbency n. The quality of being superincumbent.
SUPERINCUMBENCY n. the state of lying on top of, also SUPERINCUMBENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 341 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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