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There are 17 words containing B, D, 2O, P and U

BASIDIOSPOROUSBASIDIOSPOROUS adj. of or like a basidiospore, a spore produced by a basidium.
BOUSTROPHEDONboustrophedon adv. (Historical, calligraphy, of writing) In a fashion such that the reading direction changes from right-to-left…
boustrophedon adj. (Historical, calligraphy, of writing) Written from right-to-left and left-to-right on alternate lines.
boustrophedon adj. (Figuratively) Changing direction, going back and forth.
BOUSTROPHEDONICboustrophedonic adj. Relating to the boustrophedon mode of writing.
BOUSTROPHEDONIC adj. having alternate lines written in opposite directions.
BOUSTROPHEDONSboustrophedons n. Plural of boustrophedon.
BOUSTROPHEDON n. (Greek) a method of writing in which lines are written alternately in opposite direction, from left to right, and right to left.
BULLETPROOFEDbulletproofed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bulletproof.
BULLETPROOF v. to make impenetrable to bullets.
COMPOUNDABLEcompoundable adj. That can be compounded.
COMPOUNDABLE adj. that can be compounded.
CROPBOUNDcropbound adj. Having the crop (pouch-like part of the alimentary tract) clogged up, as by overfeeding.
CROPBOUND adj. of birds, suffering from impaction of the crop.
DECOMPOUNDABLEdecompoundable adj. Capable of being decompounded.
DECOMPOUNDABLE adj. able to be decompounded.
HYDROPHOBOUShydrophobous adj. Hydrophobic.
HYDROPHOBOUS adj. (obsolete) water-repellent.
OMBUDSPERSONombudsperson n. A person of any gender who performs the function historically defined by the term ombudsman.
OMBUDSPERSONSombudspersons n. Plural of ombudsperson.
POTBOUNDpotbound adj. Alternative form of pot-bound.
pot-bound adj. (Of a potted plant) Having outgrown the size of the pot, such that its roots have no more room to grow.
POTBOUND adj. of a plant, having roots which have grown to fill the pot.
PUREBLOODpureblood n. A person or animal of unmixed ancestry.
PUREBLOOD n. a horse etc. of unmixed race.
PUREBLOODSpurebloods n. Plural of pureblood.
PUREBLOOD n. a horse etc. of unmixed race.
UNDECOMPOSABLEundecomposable adj. Unable to be decomposed.
UNDECOMPOSABLE adj. not decomposable.
WOODBURYTYPEWoodburytype n. (Uncountable) A photomechanical printing process in which a relief pattern in gelatin is hardened and…
Woodburytype n. (Countable) A print of this kind.
WOODBURYTYPE n. (tradename) a photomechanical process in which an exposed and developed bichromated film is forced into a metal plate by great pressure, and so forms a matrix for subsequent printing.
WOODBURYTYPESWoodburytypes n. Plural of Woodburytype.
WOODBURYTYPE n. (tradename) a photomechanical process in which an exposed and developed bichromated film is forced into a metal plate by great pressure, and so forms a matrix for subsequent printing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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