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There are 18 words containing B, E, H, L, M and W

BLAMEWORTHIERBLAMEWORTHY adj. worthy of censure.
BLAMEWORTHINESSblameworthiness n. The characteristic of being blameworthy.
BLAMEWORTHINESS n. the state of being blameworthy.
BLAMEWORTHYblameworthy adj. Deserving blame or censure; reprehensible.
blame-worthy adj. Obsolete form of blameworthy.
BLAMEWORTHY adj. worthy of censure.
BUSHELWOMANbushelwoman n. (US, dialect) A tailor’s female assistant for repairing garments.
BUSHELWOMAN n. one who alters men's clothes.
BUSHELWOMENbushelwomen n. Plural of bushelwoman.
BUSHELWOMAN n. one who alters men's clothes.
THIMBLEWEEDthimbleweed n. Any of various plants whose heads resemble thimbles, including.
THIMBLEWEED n. any of various anemones with cylindrical seed heads.
THIMBLEWEEDSthimbleweeds n. Plural of thimbleweed.
THIMBLEWEED n. any of various anemones with cylindrical seed heads.
THIMBLEWITTHIMBLEWIT n. a silly or dimwitted person; a dunce.
THIMBLEWITSTHIMBLEWIT n. a silly or dimwitted person; a dunce.
THUMBWHEELthumbwheel n. A small thumb or finger-operated wheel on a mechanical or electronic device.
THUMBWHEEL n. a control for various devices consisting of a partially exposed wheel that can be turned by a finger.
THUMBWHEELSthumbwheels n. Plural of thumbwheel.
THUMBWHEEL n. a control for various devices consisting of a partially exposed wheel that can be turned by a finger.
WHIMBRELwhimbrel n. A large migratory wading bird, Numenius phaeopus, of the family Scolopacidae, with a long downcurved bill.
WHIMBREL n. a bird like a curlew, also WIMBREL.
WHIMBRELSwhimbrels n. Plural of whimbrel.
WHIMBREL n. a bird like a curlew, also WIMBREL.
WHOMBLEwhomble v. Alternative spelling of whemmel.
whomble n. Alternative spelling of whemmel.
WHOMBLE v. to overturn; to throw into a state of disorder, also WHEMMLE, WHOMMLE, WHUMMLE.
WHOMBLEDwhombled v. Simple past tense and past participle of whomble.
WHOMBLE v. to overturn; to throw into a state of disorder, also WHEMMLE, WHOMMLE, WHUMMLE.
WHOMBLESwhombles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of whomble.
whombles n. Plural of whomble.
WHOMBLE v. to overturn; to throw into a state of disorder, also WHEMMLE, WHOMMLE, WHUMMLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 174 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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