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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing B, I, L, 2O, T and U

ABSOLUTIONabsolution n. (Ecclesiastical) An absolving of sins from ecclesiastical penalties by an authority.
absolution n. The forgiveness of sins, in a general sense.
absolution n. The form of words by which a penitent is absolved.
AUTOMOBILEautomobile n. (US, Canada) A type of vehicle designed to move on the ground under its own stored power and intended…
automobile v. (Intransitive, dated) To travel by automobile.
automobile adj. Self-moving; self-propelled.
BLOODGUILTbloodguilt n. Guilt of wrongfully causing death or shedding blood.
BLOODGUILT n. the guilt of shedding blood, e.g. in murder.
BOUILLOTTEbouillotte n. (Card games) A card game resembling poker.
BOUILLOTTE n. (French) a card game resembling poker.
IMMUNOBLOTimmunoblot n. A blot used in western blot analysis.
immunoblot v. To perform such an analysis.
IMMUNOBLOT n. a technique used in biology to transfer a pattern of proteins.
LOBULATIONlobulation n. (Pathology) The presence of lobules (in a place where there are normally none).
LOBULATION n. the state of being lobulate.
OBVOLUTIONOBVOLUTION n. the state of being obvolute, having a margin that alternately overlaps and is overlapped by that of an opposing leaf.
OBVOLUTIVEOBVOLUTIVE adj. of a leaf etc., having a margin that alternately overlaps and is overlapped by that of an opposing leaf, also OBVOLUTE, OBVOLUTED.
POLITBUROSpolitburos n. Plural of politburo.
POLITBURO n. (Russian) the policy-making committee in communist states.
TAUROBOLIAtaurobolia n. Plural of taurobolium.
TAUROBOLIUM n. the sacrifice of a bull, as in the ancient Phrygian cult of Cybele.
TOURBILLONtourbillon n. A rotating frame, containing the escapement of a clock or watch, that attempts to compensate for the…
tourbillon n. A whirlwind.
tourbillon n. A kind of firework that gyrates in the air.
TUBICOLOUStubicolous adj. (Zoology) Inhabiting a tube.
TUBICOLOUS adj. inhabiting a tube, also TUBICOLAR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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