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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 7 eleven-letter words containing B, 2C, I, 2O and T

ANTITOBACCOantitobacco adj. Opposed to tobacco, often specifically to either the tobacco industry or public smoking.
ANTITOBACCO adj. opposed to the use of tobacco.
BIOCOENOTICbiocoenotic adj. Relating to biocoenosis.
BIOCOENOTIC adj. ecological, also BIOCENOTIC.
MACROBIOTICmacrobiotic adj. Of a lifestyle incorporating a dietary regimen including locally grown, seasonal, natural foods, or…
macrobiotic adj. Long-lived.
MACROBIOTIC adj. promoting longevity.
MICROBIOTICmicrobiotic adj. Relating to microbiota.
NECROBIOTICnecrobiotic adj. Relating to necrobiosis.
NECROBIOTIC adj. relating to necrobiosis.
NYCTOPHOBICnyctophobic adj. Afflicted with nyctophobia; fearful of the dark or of night.
NYCTOPHOBIC adj. suffering from nyctophobia, an irrational fear of the night.
TOBACCONISTtobacconist n. A person who sells tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, snuff and sundry items.
tobacconist n. A tobacconist’s shop.
tobacconist n. (Dated) A person who is addicted to smoking tobacco.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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