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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing B, E, G, M, N, R and U

DRUMBEATINGdrumbeating n. A beating of drums.
DRUMBEATING n. the beating of a drum.
ENCUMBERINGencumbering v. Present participle of encumber.
ENCUMBER v. to impede the motion of, also INCUMBER.
INCUMBERINGincumbering v. Present participle of incumber.
INCUMBER v. to impede the motion of, also ENCUMBER.
LUMBERINGLYlumberingly adv. With heavy, clumsy movements.
LUMBERING adv. walking heavily.
MINIRUGBIESMINIRUGBY n. a scaled down version of rugby.
OMBROGENOUSombrogenous adj. (Of peat or a bog) Dependant on rain.
OMBROGENOUS adj. of plants, able to flourish in wet conditions.
REIMBURSINGreimbursing v. Present participle of reimburse.
REIMBURSE v. to repay.
RENUMBERINGrenumbering v. Present participle of renumber.
renumbering n. The act or process of assigning new numbers.
RENUMBER v. to number again.
SLUMBERINGSslumberings n. Plural of slumbering.
SLUMBERING n. the act of slumbering.
SUBFRAGMENTsubfragment n. (Biochemistry, genetics) A subsection of a fragment (of nucleic acid etc).
subfragment v. To split into such fragments.
SUBMANAGERSsubmanagers n. Plural of submanager.
SUBMANAGER n. an under-manager.
SUBMERGENCEsubmergence n. The act of submerging or the state of being submerged; submersion.
SUBMERGENCE n. the act of submerging.
UMBRELLAINGumbrellaing v. Present participle of umbrella.
UMBRELLA v. to provide with a portable shelter against rain or sun.
UNLIMBERINGunlimbering v. Present participle of unlimber.
UNLIMBER v. to prepare for action.
UNSUBMERGEDunsubmerged adj. Not submerged.
UNSUBMERGED adj. not submerged.
UNTREMBLINGuntrembling adj. Not trembling; staunch, unafraid.
UNTREMBLING adj. not trembling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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