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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing B, E, M, O, P, R and S

AMBOCEPTORSamboceptors n. Plural of amboceptor.
AMBOCEPTOR n. in immunization, an antibody acting as a double receptor.
BIOPOLYMERSbiopolymers n. Plural of biopolymer.
BIOPOLYMER n. a polymeric substance formed in a biological system.
CHAMBERPOTSchamberpots n. Plural of chamberpot.
chamber␣pots n. Plural of chamber pot.
CHAMBERPOT n. a container for urine etc.
COMPRISABLEcomprisable adj. Able to be contained or classified.
COMPRISABLE adj. that can be comprised.
EUPHORBIUMSEUPHORBIUM n. the resinous gum of certain succulent plants of the genus Euphorbia, formerly used as an emetic and purgative.
GERMAPHOBESgermaphobes n. Plural of germaphobe.
GERMOPHOBESgermophobes n. Plural of germophobe.
HYPERBOLISMhyperbolism n. (Uncountable) The use of hyperbole.
hyperbolism n. (Countable) An instance of hyperbole.
hyperbolism n. (Countable, geometry) A blow-up of a curve at a point.
IMPROBITIESimprobities n. Plural of improbity.
IMPROBITY n. dishonesty.
MICROPROBESmicroprobes n. Plural of microprobe.
MICROPROBE n. a device that produces a very thin electron beam by which the chemical makeup of various compounds may be examined.
MILLIPROBESMILLIPROBE n. an instrument for analysing small quantities, esp. a spectrometer.
NONPROBLEMSnonproblems n. Plural of nonproblem.
NONPROBLEM n. something that is not a problem.
OMBROPHILESombrophiles n. Plural of ombrophile.
OMBROPHILE n. a plant flourishing in extremely rainy conditions, also OMBROPHIL.
OMBROPHOBESOMBROPHOBE n. a plant thriving only in desert conditions.
PHLEBOGRAMSphlebograms n. Plural of phlebogram.
PHLEBOGRAM n. a tracing (with the sphygmograph) of the movements of a vein, or of the venous pulse.
PROBLEMISTSproblemists n. Plural of problemist.
PROBLEMIST n. one who sets problems.
SUBPROBLEMSsubproblems n. Plural of subproblem.
sub-problems n. Plural of sub-problem.
SUBPROBLEM n. a subdivision of a problem.
SUPERBOMBERsuperbomber n. A bomber aircraft with a large bomb-carrying capacity.
SUPERBOMBER n. a very large bomber.
SUPERJUMBOSsuperjumbos n. Plural of superjumbo.
SUPERJUMBO n. a very large airliner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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