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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, G, I, M, N, R and S

ABRIDGMENTSabridgments n. Plural of abridgment.
ABRIDGMENT n. the act of abridging, also ABRIDGEMENT.
BESMIRCHINGbesmirching v. Present participle of besmirch.
BESMIRCH v. to soil, make dirty.
BRUGMANSIASbrugmansias n. Plural of brugmansia.
BRUGMANSIA n. any of a genus of woody shrubs or trees with pendulous flowers.
CHAMBERINGSchamberings n. Plural of chambering.
CHAMBERING n. lewd or wanton behaviour.
IGNIMBRITESignimbrites n. Plural of ignimbrite.
IGNIMBRITE n. a hard rock formed by fusion of the volcanic fragments and dust of a nuee ardente.
MANGABEIRASMANGABEIRA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian apocynaceous rubber tree.
MARBELISINGmarbelising v. Present participle of marbelise.
MARBELISE v. to stain or grain in imitation of marble, also MARBELIZE, MARBLEISE, MARBLEIZE.
MARBLEISINGmarbleising v. Present participle of marbleise.
MARBLEISE v. to stain or grain in imitation of marble, also MARBELISE, MARBELIZE, MARBLEIZE.
MINIRUGBIESMINIRUGBY n. a scaled down version of rugby.
MISBRANDINGmisbranding v. Present participle of misbrand.
MISBRAND v. to brand incorrectly.
MOWBURNINGSMOWBURNING n. the fermenting of hay when housed too green.
REIMBURSINGreimbursing v. Present participle of reimburse.
REIMBURSE v. to repay.
SCRAMBLINGSscramblings n. Plural of scrambling.
SCRAMBLING n. moving or climbing hurriedly.
SLUMBERINGSslumberings n. Plural of slumbering.
SLUMBERING n. the act of slumbering.
SUBMARGINALsubmarginal adj. Less than, or worse than, marginal. Not meeting even the minimum standard of quality.
submarginal adj. (Anatomy, zoology) Below a margin.
SUBMARGINAL adj. adjacent to a margin or a marginal part or structure.
SUBMARININGsubmarining v. Present participle of submarine.
submarining n. The design, construction and use of submarines.
submarining adj. Tending to strike unexpectedly, in the fashion of one who submarines.
THROMBOSINGthrombosing v. Present participle of thrombose.
THROMBOSE v. to cause thrombosis in.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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