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There are 15 nine-letter words containing B, C, O, R, S, T and U

ABDUCTORSabductors n. Plural of abductor.
ABDUCTOR n. a person who abducts.
CLUBROOTSclubroots n. Plural of clubroot.
CLUBROOT n. a plant disease.
COMBUSTORcombustor n. A chamber acting as the furnace in a jet engine or turbine engine, where intense combustion is induced.
COMBUSTOR n. the system in a jet engine by which combustion takes place.
CURBSTONEcurbstone n. US spelling of kerbstone.
CURBSTONE n. a stone lining a curb, also KERBSTONE.
OBSCURANTobscurant adj. Acting or tending to confound, obfuscate, or obscure.
obscurant adj. Typical of or pertaining to obscurants; obscurantic; obscurantistic.
obscurant n. One who acts to confound or obfuscate; an obscurantist.
OBSCURESTobscurest adj. Superlative form of obscure: most obscure.
obscurest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of obscure.
OBSCURE adj. indistinct.
OBSCURITYobscurity n. (Literary) Darkness; the absence of light.
obscurity n. The state of being unknown; a thing that is unknown.
obscurity n. The quality of being difficult to understand; a thing that is difficult to understand.
OBSTRUCTSobstructs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of obstruct.
OBSTRUCT v. to get in the way of.
ROCKBURSTrockburst n. A sudden, violent collapse of rock under stress, especially in a mine.
ROCKBURST n. a sudden, violent rupture or collapse of highly stressed rock in a mine.
SCORBUTICscorbutic adj. Of, pertaining to, or suffering from scurvy.
SCORBUTIC adj. pertaining to or afflicted with scurvy.
SUBCANTORsubcantor n. Synonym of succentor.
SUBCANTOR n. a subordinate cantor, a singer; esp. the leader of a church choir.
SUBCORTEXsubcortex n. The part of the brain that lies directly below the cortex.
SUBCORTEX n. a part of the cortex.
SUBSECTORsubsector n. A sector (section, zone) of a larger sector.
SUBSECTOR n. part of a sector.
SUBTROPICsubtropic n. A subtropical region.
SUBTROPIC adj. relating to the area lying between the Tropic of Cancer and 40 degrees N, and the Tropic of Capricorn and 40 degrees south, also SUBTROPICAL.
SUBTROPIC n. a subtropical region.
TURBOCARSturbocars n. Plural of turbocar.
TURBOCAR n. a car powered by a gas turbine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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