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There are 12 words containing 2B, L, N, R, T and U

STUBBORNLYstubbornly adv. In a stubborn manner.
STUBBORN adv. obstinate.
NIGHTCLUBBERnightclubber n. One who visits a nightclub.
NIGHTCLUBBER n. one who attends nightclubs.
UNBETTERABLEunbetterable adj. That cannot be bettered.
UNBETTERABLE adj. that cannot be bettered.
UNBREATHABLEunbreathable adj. Not suitable for breathing.
unbreathable adj. Not letting air seep through.
UNBREATHABLE adj. not fit for being breathed.
CONTRIBUTABLEcontributable adj. Capable of being contributed.
CONTRIBUTABLE adj. able to be contributed.
NIGHTCLUBBERSnightclubbers n. Plural of nightclubber.
NIGHTCLUBBER n. one who attends nightclubs.
UNATTRIBUTABLEunattributable adj. Not able to be ascribed or attributed to a particular source.
UNATTRIBUTABLE adj. not attributable.
UNATTRIBUTABLYunattributably adv. In an unattributable manner.
INDISTRIBUTABLEindistributable adj. Not distributable.
INDISTRIBUTABLE adj. not able to be distributed.
NONATTRIBUTABLEnonattributable adj. Not attributable.
NONATTRIBUTABLE adj. that cannot be attributed.
QUINALBARBITONEquinalbarbitone n. (Pharmacology) A sedative-hypnotic compound, 5-allyl-5-(1-methylbutyl)-barbituric acid, used to sedate…
QUINALBARBITONE n. an anaesthetic and sedative drug derived from barbiturate, aka secobarbital.
REDOUBTABLENESSredoubtableness n. The quality of being redoubtable.
REDOUBTABLE n. causing fear or alarm, formidable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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