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There are 19 words containing B, C, H, M, R, S and Y

BIOCHEMISTRYbiochemistry n. (Uncountable) The chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that…
biochemistry n. (Countable) The chemical characteristics of a particular living organism.
biochemistry n. (Countable) The biochemical activity associated with a particular chemical or condition.
BIOGEOCHEMISTRYbiogeochemistry n. (Biology, geology, chemistry, ecology) The scientific study of biological, geological and chemical processes…
BIOGEOCHEMISTRY n. the science of plants and animals in relation to chemicals in the soil.
BIORHYTHMICSbiorhythmics n. The study of biorhythms.
BIORHYTHMICS n. the study of biorhythms.
BRACHYCEPHALISMbrachycephalism n. Dated form of brachycephaly.
BRACHYCEPHALISM n. the state of being brachycephalic, short-headed.
BRACHYDACTYLISMBRACHYDACTYLISM n. abnormal shortness of fingers and toes.
BRACHYDOMESbrachydomes n. Plural of brachydome.
BRACHYDOME n. a dome parallel to the shorter lateral axis.
BRACHYPRISMBRACHYPRISM n. a prism parallel to the brachydiagonal.
BRACHYPRISMSBRACHYPRISM n. a prism parallel to the brachydiagonal.
BRACHYPTERISMBRACHYPTERISM n. the state of having abnormally short wings.
BRACHYPTERISMSBRACHYPTERISM n. the state of having abnormally short wings.
CHAMBRAYSchambrays n. Plural of chambray.
CHAMBRAY n. a lightweight fabric with coloured warp and white filling.
CHIMNEYBOARDSCHIMNEYBOARD n. a board blocking up a fireplace.
CHIMNEYBREASTchimneybreast n. Alternative form of chimney-breast.
chimney-breast n. (Architecture) The horizontal projection of a chimney from the wall in which it is built; commonly applied…
CHIMNEYBREAST n. the part of a wall that projects into a room and contains the fireplace and chimney.
CHIMNEYBREASTSchimneybreasts n. Plural of chimneybreast.
chimney-breasts n. Plural of chimney-breast.
CHIMNEYBREAST n. the part of a wall that projects into a room and contains the fireplace and chimney.
COMPREHENSIBLYcomprehensibly adv. In a comprehensible manner.
COMPREHENSIBLE adv. capable of being comprehended, also COMPREHENDIBLE.
DYSMORPHOPHOBICdysmorphophobic adj. (Psychiatry) Of or relating to dysmorphophobia.
DYSMORPHOPHOBIC adj. relating to or affected with dysmorphophobia, the fear that one's body is repulsive.
HYPERCATABOLISMhypercatabolism n. An increased rate of catabolism.
HYPERCATABOLISM n. an abnormally high rate of catabolism.
THROMBOCYTESthrombocytes n. Plural of thrombocyte.
THROMBOCYTE n. a platelet.
THROMBOLYTICSthrombolytics n. Plural of thrombolytic.
THROMBOLYTIC n. a thrombolytic drug.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 273 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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