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There are 18 words containing B, D, E, N, P, R and 2S

BANDSPREADINGSBANDSPREADING n. an additional tuning control in some radio receivers whereby a selected narrow band of frequencies can be spread over a wider frequency band, in order to give finer control of tuning.
BEDSPRINGSbedsprings n. Plural of bedspring.
BEDSPRING n. the spring of a bed.
BOUSTROPHEDONSboustrophedons n. Plural of boustrophedon.
BOUSTROPHEDON n. (Greek) a method of writing in which lines are written alternately in opposite direction, from left to right, and right to left.
DEPLORABLENESSdeplorableness n. The state or quality of being deplorable.
DEPLORABLENESS n. the state of being deplorable.
OMBUDSPERSONombudsperson n. A person of any gender who performs the function historically defined by the term ombudsman.
OMBUDSPERSONSombudspersons n. Plural of ombudsperson.
PARDONABLENESSpardonableness n. The quality or state of being pardonable.
PARDONABLENESS n. the state of being pardonable.
PREDICABLENESSPREDICABLE n. capable of being predicated or affirmed of something.
PREDICTABLENESSpredictableness n. The quality of being predictable.
PREDICTABLENESS n. the state of being predictable.
PROBOSCIDEANSproboscideans n. Plural of proboscidean.
PROBOSCIDEAN n. any of an order of large mammals comprising the elephants and extinct related forms, also PROBOSCIDIAN.
PSEUDOMEMBRANESpseudomembranes n. Plural of pseudomembrane.
PSEUDOMEMBRANE n. a false membrane.
PURBLINDNESSpurblindness n. The state or condition of being purblind.
PURBLINDNESS n. the state of being purblind.
PURBLINDNESSESPURBLINDNESS n. the state of being purblind.
SHARPBENDERSSHARPBENDER n. an organization that has been underperforming its competitors but suddenly becomes more successful.
SPELLBINDERSspellbinders n. Plural of spellbinder.
SPELLBINDER n. something that rivets the attention.
SUBDEPARTMENTSsubdepartments n. Plural of subdepartment.
SUBDEPARTMENT n. a subdivision of a department.
SUPERABOUNDSsuperabounds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of superabound.
SUPERABOUND v. to be superabundant.
SUPERABUNDANCESsuperabundances n. Plural of superabundance.
SUPERABUNDANCE n. extreme abundance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 340 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 93 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 10 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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