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There are 20 five-letter words containing C, D and H

ACHEDached v. Simple past tense and past participle of ache.
ACHE v. to endure a dull lasting pain, also AKE.
CHADOCHADO n. (Japanese) a tea ceremony, also CHANOYO, CHANOYU, SADO.
CHADSchads n. Plural of chad.
Chads n. Plural of Chad.
CHAD n. a bit of paper punched out of paper tape or cards.
CHARDchard n. (Uncountable, cooking) An edible leafy vegetable, Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla, with a slightly bitter taste.
chard n. (Cooking) Artichoke leaves and shoots, blanched to eat.
Chard prop.n. A town and civil parish of Somerset, England, near the Devon border.
CHIDEchide v. (Transitive) To admonish in blame; to reproach angrily.
chide v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To utter words of disapprobation and displeasure; to find fault; to contend angrily.
chide v. (Transitive, intransitive) To make a clamorous noise; to chafe.
CHILDchild n. (Broadly) A person who has not yet reached adulthood, whether natural (puberty), cultural (initiation)…
child n. (With possessive) One’s direct descendant by birth, regardless of age; one’s offspring; a son or daughter.
child n. (Cartomancy) The thirteenth Lenormand card.
CHODEchode v. (Archaic) simple past tense of chide.
chode n. Alternative spelling of choad.
CHIDE v. to scold.
CHORDchord n. (Music) A harmonic set of three or more notes that is heard as if sounding simultaneously.
chord n. (Geometry) A straight line between two points of a curve.
chord n. (Engineering) A horizontal member of a truss.
CHYNDCHYND adj. (archaic) cut into chines.
DACHAdacha n. A Russian villa or summer house in the countryside.
DACHA n. (Russian) a Russian country house, also DATCHA.
DAYCHDAYCH v. (dialect) to thatch.
DENCHdench adj. (UK, slang) Excellent; impressive; awesome.
dench adj. (UK, slang, of a man) Well-built, muscular, attractive.
Dench prop.n. An English surname.
DICHTDICHT v. (Scots) to wipe.
DITCHditch n. A trench; a long, shallow indentation, as for irrigation or drainage.
ditch n. (Ireland) A raised bank of earth and the hedgerow on top.
ditch v. (Transitive) To discard or abandon.
DOCHTDOW v. to be able.
DUCHYduchy n. A dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess.
DUCHY n. the domain of a duke, also DUKEDOM.
DUNCHdunch v. (Geordie) To knock against; to hit, punch.
dunch v. (Geordie) To crash into; to bump into.
dunch v. (Scotland) To gore with the horns, as a bull.
DUTCHdutch n. (Slang) wife.
dutch v. Alternative letter-case form of Dutch (“treat cocoa with alkali”).
Dutch adj. Of or pertaining to the Netherlands, the Dutch people or the Dutch language.
ECHEDECHE v. (obsolete) to eke, also ECH, EECH, EIK, EKE, ICH.
ICHEDICH v. (Shakespeare) to eke, also ECH, ECHE, EECH, EIK, EKE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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