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There are 11 five-letter words containing C, N and 2O

CHOONchoon n. (Britain, nonstandard) A song or track, especially one that is catchy.
CHOON n. a piece of recorded music that one likes.
CODONcodon n. A handbell used for summoning monks.
codon n. The "bell" or flaring mouth of a trumpet.
codon n. (Biochemistry) A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides, which encode for a specific amino acid during…
COGONcogon n. Any of several perennial rhizomatous grasses of genus Imperata, especially Imperata cylindrica.
COGON n. a kind of fast-growing Asian grass.
COLONcolon n. The punctuation mark ":".
colon n. (Rare) The triangular colon (especially in context of not being able to type the actual triangular colon).
colon n. (Rhetoric) A rhetorical figure consisting of a clause which is grammatically, but not logically, complete.
CONDOcondo n. (US, Canada, Philippines) Clipping of condominium.
Condo prop.n. A surname.
Condo. n. (Law) Abbreviation of condominium.
CONGOcongo n. Alternative form of congou: a kind of Chinese black tea.
congo interj. (India) congratulations.
Congo prop.n. A country in Central Africa. Official name: Republic of the Congo. Capital: Brazzaville.
CONTOconto n. (Now historical) In Portugal and Brazil, a million reis.
CONTO n. (Portuguese) a Portuguese money of account.
CONVOconvo n. (Informal) A conversation.
convo v. (Informal) To have a conversation, to converse.
CONVO n. (Australian colloquial) a conversation.
COONScoons n. Plural of coon.
coons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coon.
Coons prop.n. A surname.
CORNOcorno n. (Music) French horn.
CORNO n. (Italian) the French horn.
CROONcroon v. (Transitive, intransitive) To hum or sing softly or in a sentimental manner.
croon v. (Transitive, intransitive) To say softly or gently.
croon v. (Transitive) To soothe by singing softly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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