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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2C, M and 2R

CAMCORDERScamcorders n. Plural of camcorder.
CAMCORDER n. a portable video camera and sound recorder combined in one unit.
CANCRIFORMcancriform adj. Having the form of a crab.
cancriform adj. (Pathology) Resembling cancer.
CANCRIFORM adj. shaped like a crab.
CIRCUMMUREcircummure v. (Transitive) To surround with, or as if with, a wall.
CIRCUMMURE v. (Shakespeare) to wall round.
CREMOCARPScremocarps n. Plural of cremocarp.
CREMOCARP n. the characteristic fruit of the Umbelliferae.
CRUCIFORMScruciforms n. Plural of cruciform.
CRUCIFORM n. something cross-shaped.
CRYOMETRICcryometric adj. Of or relating to cryometry, or measured using a cryometer.
CRYOMETRIC adj. relating to the measurement of low temperatures.
CURRICULUMcurriculum n. The set of courses, coursework, and their content, offered at a school or university.
curriculum n. (Obsolete) A racecourse; a place for running.
CURRICULUM n. (Latin) a program of educational resources etc.
CURRYCOMBScurrycombs n. Plural of currycomb.
currycombs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of currycomb.
curry-combs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of curry-comb.
CYBERCRIMEcybercrime n. Crime committed using computer networks.
cybercrime n. An individual crime of this kind.
CYBERCRIME n. computer-related crime.
MACROCARPAmacrocarpa n. (New Zealand) The Monterey cypress, Cupressus macrocarpa.
MACROCARPA n. an evergreen conifer of New Zealand.
MICROCARDSmicrocards n. Plural of microcard.
MICROCARD n. a card representing some 200 or more pages of a book in microscopic print.
MICROCRACKmicrocrack n. A microscopic crack.
microcrack v. To cause the formation of microscopic cracks.
MICROCRACK v. to crack microscopically.
MICROCURIEmicrocurie n. A unit or radioactivity equal to one millionth of a curie. Symbol μCi.
MICROCURIE n. a unit of radiation, a millionth of a curie.
MISCORRECTmiscorrect v. To correct erroneously; to make a mistake in attempting to correct another mistake.
MISCORRECT v. to fail or err in attempting to correct.
TRICHROMICtrichromic adj. (Chemistry) Containing three atoms of chromium.
trichromic adj. Of or pertaining to three colours; trichromatic.
TRICHROMIC adj. having normal colour vision.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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