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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing C, F, O, R and S

COFFERScoffers n. Plural of coffer.
Coffers prop.n. Plural of Coffer.
COFFER v. to put in a strongbox.
CONFERSconfers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of confer.
Confers prop.n. Plural of Confer.
CONFER v. to bestow.
FACTORSfactors n. Plural of factor.
factors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of factor.
Factors prop.n. Plural of Factor.
FICTORSfictors n. Plural of fictor.
FICTOR n. a person who makes images from clay.
FOCUSERfocuser n. A device which allows one to adjust the focus of an instrument such as a telescope.
FOCUSER n. a device to assist focussing.
FORCATSFORCAT n. (French) a convict condemned to hard labour.
FORCEPSforceps n. An instrument used in surgery or medical procedures for grasping and holding objects, similar to tongs or pincers.
FORCEPS n. (Latin) a pair of tongs used in surgery.
FORCERSforcers n. Plural of forcer.
FORCER n. one who forces.
FRESCOSfrescos n. Plural of fresco.
FRESCO v. (Italian) to paint on plaster.
FRICOTSfricots n. Plural of fricot.
FRICOT n. an Acadian stew with potatoes and meat or fish.
FROLICSfrolics n. Plural of frolic.
FROLIC v. to play and run about merrily.
REFOCUSrefocus v. (Intransitive) to focus on something else.
refocus v. (Transitive) to change the focus of.
refocus v. (Intransitive) to change one’s priorities.
SCOFFERscoffer n. One who scoffs or mocks.
scoffer n. (UK, slang) One who eats a large amount.
SCOFFER n. one who scoffs.
SCORIFYscorify v. (Transitive) To reduce (an ore) to scoria.
SCORIFY v. to reduce to scoria.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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