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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 6 eight-letter words containing C, L, O, R and Z

ALCORZASALCORZA n. (Spanish) a kind of Spanish sweet.
CALORIZEcalorize v. To form a protective surface on (a ferrous metal) by coating with aluminum powder and then heating.
calorize v. (Intransitive, dated) To follow a diet that focuses on the number of calories in food.
calorize v. (Transitive) To provide information about the number of calories in (a food item).
COLORIZEcolorize v. To add color to.
colorize v. (American spelling, photography, cinematography) (Canadian spelling, acceptable) To convert black and…
COLORIZE v. to add colour with a computer, also COLORISE, COLOURISE, COLOURIZE.
CREOLIZEcreolize v. (Linguistics) To cause a pidgin language rapidly expanding in vocabulary and grammatical rules to become…
creolize v. To render an imported object ’localised’; to produce variations which give an object a regional flavour.
CREOLIZE v. to cause a language to become creole, also CREOLISE.
CROZZLEDcrozzled adj. Shrunken or shrivelled from exposure to heat.
crozzled v. Simple past tense and past participle of crozzle.
CROZZLED adj. (Yorkshire dialect) of toast etc., dry and burnt.
ZIRCALOYzircaloy n. (Metallurgy, nuclear industry) Any of a set of specialist alloys of zirconium.
ZIRCALOY n. an alloy of zirconium containing small amounts of tin, chromium, and nickel, used in pressurized-water reactors, also ZIRCALLOY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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