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There are 13 eight-letter words containing C, P, R and 2U

COUPUREScoupures n. Plural of coupure.
COUPURE n. (French) a passage cut through a glacis to facilitate sallies by the besieged.
CROUPOUScroupous adj. (Medicine) Relating to or resembling croup; especially, attended with the formation of a deposit or…
CROUPOUS adj. pertaining to croup.
CUPREOUScupreous n. A reddish-brown color, like that of polished copper.
cupreous adj. Of or of the nature of copper.
cupreous adj. (Chemistry) Containing copper.
CUTPURSEcutpurse n. A thief who steals from others’ purses or pockets in public.
cut-purse n. Alternative spelling of cutpurse.
CUTPURSE n. (historical) a person who stole by slitting purses worn at the belt.
PIRARUCUpirarucu n. A fish, the arapaima (Arapaima gigas).
PIRARUCU n. (Tupi) a large South American fish, aka arapaima.
PUNCTUREpuncture n. The act or an instance of puncturing.
puncture n. A hole, cut, or tear created by a sharp object.
puncture n. (Specifically) A hole in a vehicle’s tyre, causing the tyre to deflate.
PURLICUEpurlicue n. The space between one’s forefinger and thumb.
PURLICUE v. to summarise in conclusion, also PIRLICUE.
PURPURICpurpuric adj. (Medicine) Pertaining to or affected with purpura (skin discoloration from blood inside it).
purpuric adj. (Medicine, archaic) Purple or purplish (of spots which appear on the skin; regardless of their cause);…
purpuric adj. (Chemistry, not comparable) purple in colour; derived from or forming a substance which is purple; especially…
UNPUCKERunpucker v. (Transitive) To smooth away the puckers or wrinkles of.
UNPUCKER v. to remove the wrinkles from.
UPCURLEDupcurled v. Simple past tense and past participle of upcurl.
UPCURL v. to curl up.
UPCURVEDupcurved adj. Curving upwards.
UPCURVE v. to curve upward.
UPCURVESupcurves n. Plural of upcurve.
upcurves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of upcurve.
UPCURVE v. to curve upward.
UPPERCUTuppercut n. (Boxing) A swinging blow aimed upwards at the opponent’s chin.
uppercut n. (Cricket) A cut shot that sends the ball over the wicket-keeper’s head.
uppercut v. To strike with an uppercut.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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