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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing C, H, N and 2P

CHIPPINGSchippings n. Plural of chipping.
CHIPPING n. a small piece of wood, stone etc. pared off.
CHOPPINGSchoppings n. Plural of chopping.
CHOPPING n. the act of chopping.
EPIPHANICepiphanic adj. Having the character of an epiphany.
EPIPHANIC adj. of or like an epiphany, a sudden revelation.
HYPOPNEIChypopneic adj. Relating to hypopnea.
HYPOPNEIC adj. related to hypopnea, abnormally shallow breathing.
PANSOPHICpansophic adj. Of or relating to pansophy; all-knowing, or comprehending all knowledge.
PANSOPHIC adj. relating to pansophy, knowledge of everything, also PANSOPHICAL.
PHENOCOPYphenocopy n. (Genetics) A variation in an organism that resembles a genetic one, but has an environmental rather…
phenocopy v. (Genetics) To copy a genetic variation through environmental manipulation.
PHENOCOPY n. a copy of a genetic abnormality that is produced by the environment and cannot be inherited.
PITCHPINEpitchpine n. Alternative form of pitch pine.
pitch␣pine n. Pinus rigida, of the eastern US.
pitch␣pine n. Any of various pine trees from which pitch can be obtained, or which have very resinous wood, including…
SCHNAPPERschnapper n. An Australasian fish, Chrysophrys guttulatus or C. auratus; the porgy or snapper.
SCHNAPPER n. an Australian food-fish, also SNAPPER.
TECHNOPOPtechnopop n. (Music) An early synthpop genre with a cold, robotic sound.
TECHNOPOP n. pop music featuring synthesisers and other technological equipment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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