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There are 17 words containing C, F, H, N and W

HAWFINCHhawfinch n. A large Eurasian finch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes), with a thick bill.
HAWFINCH n. a Eurasian finch.
CLOWNFISHclownfish n. Any of colorful fish of the genera Amphiprion and Premnas in the subfamily Amphiprioninae, native to…
clown␣fish n. Alternative form of clownfish.
CLOWNFISH n. any of various brightly coloured fish whose markings resemble a clown's makeup.
HAWFINCHEShawfinches n. Plural of hawfinch.
HAWFINCH n. a Eurasian finch.
UNWATCHFULunwatchful adj. Not watchful.
UNWATCHFUL adj. not watchful.
CLOWNFISHESclownfishes n. Plural of clownfish.
CLOWNFISH n. any of various brightly coloured fish whose markings resemble a clown's makeup.
CRAWFISHINGcrawfishing v. Present participle of crawfish.
crawfishing n. Fishing for crawfish.
CRAWFISH v. to retreat or back out.
WHENCEFORTHwhenceforth adv. (Formal) From which place, time, or point forth; forth from which; onward from which.
whenceforth adv. (Formal, interrogative) Forth from what place, time, or point; onward from what place, time, or point.
WHENCEFORTH adv. (Spenser) whence.
FLOWCHARTINGflowcharting n. (Computing) the design and construction of flowcharts.
FLOWCHARTING n. the act of making a flowchart.
HENCEFORWARDhenceforward adv. From now on; from this time on.
HENCEFORWARD adv. from this time on, also HENCEFORWARDS.
UNWATCHFULLYunwatchfully adv. In an unwatchful manner.
UNWATCHFUL adv. not watchful.
WATCHFULNESSwatchfulness n. The state or quality of being watchful; alertness, vigilance or wakefulness.
WATCHFULNESS n. the state of being watchful.
FLOWCHARTINGSFLOWCHARTING n. the act of making a flowchart.
HENCEFORWARDShenceforwards adv. (Archaic) henceforth, from this point onwards.
HENCEFORWARDS adv. from this time on, also HENCEFORWARD.
THENCEFORWARDthenceforward adv. From then on; from that time on.
THENCEFORWARD adv. from that time on, also THENCEFORWARDS.
THENCEFORWARDSthenceforwards adv. From then on; from that time on.
THENCEFORWARDS adv. from that time on, also THENCEFORWARD.
UNWATCHFULNESSunwatchfulness n. The quality of being unwatchful.
UNWATCHFULNESS n. the state of being unwatchful.
WATCHFULNESSESwatchfulnesses n. Plural of watchfulness.
WATCHFULNESS n. the state of being watchful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 370 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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