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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 13 fourteen-letter words containing C, E, F, N, S and V

DEFERVESCENCESdefervescences n. Plural of defervescence.
DEFERVESCENCE n. an abatement of heat; a decrease of feverish symptoms, also DEFERVESCENCY.
EFFERVESCENCESeffervescences n. Plural of effervescence.
EFFERVESCENCE n. boiling or bubbling, also EFFERVESCENCY.
EFFERVESCENTLYeffervescently adv. In an effervescent manner.
EFFERVESCENT adv. frothing, bubbling.
EFFERVESCINGLYeffervescingly adv. With effervescence.
EFFERVESCING adv. EFFERVESCE, to bubble, hiss, and foam as gas escapes.
MUNDIFICATIVESmundificatives n. Plural of mundificative.
MUNDIFICATIVE n. a cleansing medicine or preparation.
PERFECTIVENESSperfectiveness n. (Grammar) The state or quality of being perfective.
PERFECTIVE n. tending to make perfect.
REFLECTIVENESSreflectiveness n. The state or property of being reflective.
REFLECTIVE n. capable of reflecting light, images, or sound waves.
REFRACTIVENESSrefractiveness n. The quality or condition of being refractive.
REFRACTIVENESS n. the state of being refractive.
VERBIFICATIONSverbifications n. Plural of verbification.
VERBIFICATION n. conversion into a verb.
VERSIFICATIONSversifications n. Plural of versification.
VERSIFICATION n. the making of verses.
VOCIFEROUSNESSvociferousness n. The state of being vociferous.
VOCIFEROUSNESS n. the state of being vociferous.
VOICEFULNESSESVOICEFULNESS n. the state of being voiceful.
VOUCHSAFEMENTSvouchsafements n. Plural of vouchsafement.
VOUCHSAFEMENT n. the act of vouchsafing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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