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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2C, 2I, O and T

ACIDOTICacidotic adj. (Pathology) Having depressed alkalinity of blood or tissue.
ACIDOTIC adj. pertaining to an abnormal blood acid.
ACONITICaconitic adj. Of or pertaining to aconite.
aconitic adj. Of or pertaining to aconitic acid.
ACONITIC adj. of or pertaining to aconite, an alkaloidal extract from monkshood or the like used as a poison or in pharmacy.
CATIONICcationic adj. (Chemistry) of, relating to, or being a cation.
CATIONIC adj. relating to a cation.
CLITORICclitoric adj. Synonym of clitoral.
CLITORIC adj. pertaining to the clitoris.
CONICITYconicity n. The quality of being conic.
CONICITY n. the state of being conical.
DICHOTICdichotic adj. That stimulates each ear with a different pitch or loudness.
DICHOTIC adj. affecting the two ears differently.
DICROTICdicrotic adj. (Pulse) Having a double beat.
DICROTIC adj. having a double pulse beat, also DICROTAL.
ITACONICitaconic adj. Of or pertaining to itaconic acid or its derivatives.
ITACONIC adj. as in itaconic acid, a component of some synthetic resins.
OCCIPITAoccipita n. Plural of occiput.
OCCIPUT n. (Latin) the back part of the skull.
OITICICAoiticica n. The tree Licania rigida, endemic to Brazil and Puerto Rico.
OITICICA n. (Tupi) any of several tropical South American trees, whose crushed seeds yield an oil used in paints and varnishes.
ORCHITICorchitic adj. Relating to orchitis.
ORCHITIC adj. relating to orchitis, inflammation of the testicles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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