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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing C, H, I, 2R and S

BIRCHIRSBIRCHIR n. any of various primitive African freshwater fishes of the genus Polypterus, also BICHIR.
CHERRIEScherries n. Plural of cherry.
cherries n. (Rail transport, Britain) A rail-gap indicator.
Cherries n. Plural of Cherry.
CHIRPERSchirpers n. Plural of chirper.
CHIRPER n. a little bird.
CHIRRUPSchirrups n. Plural of chirrup.
CHIRRUP v. to chirp repeatedly.
CHORRIESCHORRIE n. (South African) a crock, a dilapidated car.
PYRRHICSpyrrhics n. Plural of pyrrhic.
PYRRHIC n. (Greek) an ancient Greek war dance.
SCIRRHUSscirrhus n. (Obsolete) An indurated organ or part, especially a gland.
scirrhus n. (Obsolete) A cancerous tumour which is hard, translucent, of a gray or bluish color, and emits a creaking…
SCIRRHUS n. (Latin) a hard tumour.
SMIRCHERSMIRCHER n. one who smirches.
SRIRACHAsriracha n. A Thai-style hot sauce, typically made from sun-ripened chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt.
SRIRACHA n. (Thai) a spicy sauce made with red chilli peppers, vinegar, and garlic.
TRIARCHStriarchs n. Plural of triarch.
TRIARCH n. a ruler of a triarchy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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