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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing C, 2E, G, H and I

BREECHINGbreeching n. (Historical) The ceremony of dressing a boy in trousers for the first time.
breeching n. A conduit through which exhaust gases are conducted to a chimney.
breeching n. (Nautical) A rope used to secure a cannon.
CHEERINGScheerings n. Plural of cheering.
CHEERING n. the act of encouraging.
CREESHINGcreeshing v. Present participle of creesh.
CREESH v. (Scots) to grease.
DEPECHINGDEPECHE v. (French) to dispatch, rid oneself of.
ESCHEWINGeschewing v. Present participle of eschew.
ESCHEW v. to avoid.
FLEECHINGfleeching v. Present participle of fleech.
fleeching n. Cajolery; flattery.
FLEECHING n. flattery, coaxing.
GAUCHERIEgaucherie n. (Countable) A socially tactless or awkward act.
gaucherie n. (Uncountable) Lack of tact; tactlessness; awkwardness.
GAUCHERIE n. (French) an awkward or socially unacceptable remark.
HECOGENINhecogenin n. An organic compound obtained from the sisal plant and used in the production of steroidal drugs.
HECOGENIN n. a chemical obtained from various plants, esp. sisal, used in the manufacture of cortisone.
HEGEMONIChegemonic adj. Of or pertaining to hegemony.
HEGEMONIC adj. relating to a hegemony, also HEGEMONIAL, HEGEMONICAL.
LECHERINGlechering v. Present participle of lecher.
LECHER v. to lust.
RECHEWINGrechewing v. Present participle of rechew.
RECHEW v. to chew again.
REECHOINGreechoing v. Present participle of reecho.
re-echoing v. Present participle of re-echo.
REECHO v. to echo back, reverberate.
SMEECHINGSMEECH v. (dialect) to smoke, also SMEEK.
SPEECHINGspeeching n. The act of making a speech.
speeching v. Present participle of speech.
SPEECH v. to harangue.
WHEECHINGwheeching v. Present participle of wheech.
WHEECH v. (Scots) to move rapidly with a whizzing sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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