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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing C, I, 2M and 2S

ACOSMISMSACOSMISM n. a doctrine denying the existence of a universe distinct from God.
COMMISHEScommishes n. Plural of commish.
COMMISH n. (short for) commissioner.
COMMISSARcommissar n. (Historical) An official of the Communist Party, often attached to a military unit, who was responsible…
commissar n. (Historical, Soviet Union) In the early Soviet Union, the head of a commissariat.
commissar n. (Colloquial) A political functionary whose job is to push the party or government line. Often used semi-humourously.
MACARISMSmacarisms n. Plural of macarism.
MACARISM n. a beatitude.
MACHISMOSmachismos n. Plural of machismo.
MACHISMO n. (Spanish) the quality of being macho, also MACHOISM.
MACHOISMSmachoisms n. Plural of machoism.
MACHOISM n. the quality of being macho, also MACHISMO.
MASOCHISMmasochism n. The enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation.
MASOCHISM n. the derivation of sexual gratification from the suffering of pain.
MERYCISMSMERYCISM n. a rare condition in which food is returned to the mouth after a short period in the stomach.
MESCALISMmescalism n. The consumption of the mescal bean for its psychedelic effects.
MESCALISM n. the habitual use of mescalin as an intoxicant.
MISCLAIMSmisclaims n. Plural of misclaim.
MISCLAIM v. to claim wrongfully.
MOSAICISMmosaicism n. (Genetics) The condition in which more than one genetically distinct population of cells coexist within…
MOSAICISM n. the property or state of being composed of cells of two genetically different types.
MYSTICISMmysticism n. The beliefs, ideas, or thoughts of mystics.
mysticism n. A doctrine of direct communication or spiritual intuition of divine truth.
mysticism n. A transcendental union of soul or mind with the divine reality or divinity.
RACEMISMSRACEMISM n. the quality of being racemic.
SCHIMMELSSCHIMMEL n. (German) a roan horse.
SCRUMMIESSCRUMMIE n. (slang) a rugby scrum half.
SCUMMIESTscummiest adj. Superlative form of scummy: most scummy.
SCUMMY adj. covered with scum, dirty, unpleasant.
SCUMMINGSscummings n. Plural of scumming.
SCUMMING n. matter removed as scum from the surface of a liquid.
SEMICOMASsemicomas n. Plural of semicoma.
SEMICOMA n. a coma from which a person can be aroused.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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