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There are 16 words containing 3C, G, O and S

COCCYGEScoccyges n. Plural of coccyx.
COCCYX n. (Greek) a bone of the spine.
CACOGENICScacogenics n. (Medicine) The opposite of eugenics; the aggregation of factors, through adverse sexual selection and…
CACOGENICS n. the study of racial degeneration.
GONOCOCCUSgonococcus n. Any of the bacteria (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) that is responsible for gonorrhea.
GONOCOCCUS n. the bacterium that causes gonorrhoea.
CACOGASTRICcacogastric adj. (Rare) Troubled with bad digestion.
CACOGASTRIC adj. of or relating to an upset stomach.
COCKCROWINGScockcrowings n. Plural of cockcrowing.
COCKCROWING n. the crowing of a cock.
COCARCINOGENScocarcinogens n. Plural of cocarcinogen.
COCARCINOGEN n. an agent that aggravates the carcinogenic effects of another substance.
CROSSCHECKINGcrosschecking v. Present participle of crosscheck.
cross-checking v. Present participle of cross-check.
cross␣checking v. Present participle of cross check.
GYNECOCRACIESgynecocracies n. Plural of gynecocracy.
GYNECOCRACY n. government by women, also GYNAECOCRACY.
MENINGOCOCCUSmeningococcus n. A pathogenic bacterium, Neisseria meningitidis, common cause of cerebrospinal meningitis.
MENINGOCOCCUS n. a bacterium involved in cerebrospinal fever and meningitis.
SPATCHCOCKINGspatchcocking n. The practice of making spatchcocked fowl, poultry, birds, in food preparation.
spatchcocking v. Present participle of spatchcock.
SPATCHCOCK v. to split open (a fowl, eel etc.) for grilling, also SPITCHCOCK.
SPITCHCOCKINGspitchcocking v. Present participle of spitchcock.
SPITCHCOCK v. to split open (a fowl, eel etc.) for grilling, also SPATCHCOCK.
GYNAECOCRACIESgynaecocracies n. Plural of gynaecocracy.
GYNAECOCRACY n. government by women, also GYNECOCRACY.
SACROCOCCYGEALsacrococcygeal adj. (Medicine) Having to do with the sacrum and coccyx.
SACROCOCCYGEAL adj. relating to the sacrum and the coccyx.
ECCLESIOLOGICALecclesiological adj. Of or pertaining to ecclesiology.
ECCLESIOLOGICAL adj. relating to ecclesiology.
GLUCOCORTICOIDSglucocorticoids n. Plural of glucocorticoid.
GLUCOCORTICOID n. any of a group of steroid hormones which affect glucose metabolism, having an anti-inflammatory effect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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