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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing C, N, O, R, S, T and Y

ALECTRYONSALECTRYON n. a sapindaceous tree of Australasia, Southeast Asia, and Micronesia.
CONSECTARYconsectary n. That which follows by consequence or is logically deducible.
consectary n. Deduction from premises; a corollary.
consectary n. (Rare, chiefly archaic) A conclusion of any kind.
CONSISTORYconsistory n. A solemn assembly or council.
consistory n. The spiritual court of a diocesan bishop held before his chancellor or commissioner in his cathedral…
consistory n. An assembly of prelates; a session of the college of cardinals at Rome.
CONSULTORYconsultory adj. Alternative form of consultatory.
CONSULTORY adj. relating to consultation.
CORYBANTESCorybantes n. Plural of Corybant.
CORYBANT n. (Greek) one of the priests of Cybele in Phrygia, whose rites were accompanied by wild music, dancing, etc.
COUNTERSPYcounterspy n. A spy working in counterintelligence.
counterspy v. (Intransitive) To carry out counterespionage.
COUNTERSPY n. a spy whose job is to catch other spies.
COUNTRYISHcountryish adj. (Music) Having characteristics of country music.
COUNTRYISH adj. rustic, characteristic of the countryside.
CRAYONISTScrayonists n. Plural of crayonist.
CRAYONIST n. one who draws in crayon, also CRAYONER.
CRYONICISTcryonicist n. One who works in the field of cryonics.
cryonicist n. A person who is, or who wishes to be, preserved cryonically.
CRYPTONYMScryptonyms n. Plural of cryptonym.
CRYPTONYM n. a code name or secret name.
CYCLOTRONScyclotrons n. Plural of cyclotron.
CYCLOTRON n. a type of particle accelerator.
PHENOCRYSTphenocryst n. (Mineralogy) Any relatively large crystal embedded in a more fine-grained or glassy igneous rock.
PHENOCRYST n. a larger crystal in a porphyritic rock.
SYNCOPATORsyncopator n. One who or that which syncopates.
SYNCOPATOR n. one who syncopates.
SYNDICATORsyndicator n. One who, or that which, syndicates.
SYNDICATOR n. one who syndicates.
TYROCIDINStyrocidins n. Plural of tyrocidin.
TYROCIDIN n. a basic polypeptide antibiotic produced by a soil bacillus, also TYROCIDINE.
XENOCRYSTSxenocrysts n. Plural of xenocryst.
XENOCRYST n. a crystal or mineral grain which has been taken in by magma during its upward flow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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