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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing C, E, H, N, O, 2P and T

APPRENTICEHOODapprenticehood n. (Obsolete) apprenticeship.
APPRENTICEHOOD n. (Shakespeare) apprenticeship.
COPARTNERSHIPScopartnerships n. Plural of copartnership.
COPARTNERSHIP n. the state of being a copartner.
CYPROHEPTADINEcyproheptadine n. (Pharmacology) A particular antihistaminic, anticholinergic and antiserotonergic agent.
CYPROHEPTADINE n. a powerful antihistamine drug used to treat allergies.
ENCEPHALOPATHYencephalopathy n. (Pathology, neurology) Any of various conditions affecting the brain.
ENCEPHALOPATHY n. any of various brain diseases.
HEPATOPANCREAShepatopancreas n. An organ of the digestive tract of arthropods and fish, which provides the functions which in mammals…
HEPATOPANCREAS n. a glandular structure (as of a crustacean) that combines the digestive functions of the vertebrate liver and pancreas.
INSPECTORSHIPSinspectorships n. Plural of inspectorship.
INSPECTORSHIP n. the office of inspector.
PALAEANTHROPICpalaeanthropic adj. Alternative form of paleoanthropic.
PALAEANTHROPIC adj. of or relating to the earliest types of man, also PALAEOANTHROPIC.
PARTHENOCARPICparthenocarpic adj. Exhibiting or relating to parthenocarpy.
PARTHENOCARPIC adj. relating to parthenocarpy.
PHENOTYPICALLYphenotypically adv. (Biology) With regard to the phenotype.
PHENOTYPICAL adv. relating to a phenotype, also PHENOTYPIC.
PHOSPHOCREATINPHOSPHOCREATIN n. a compound of phosphoric acid and creatine found in vertebrate muscle, also PHOSPHOCREATINE.
PHOSPHORESCENTphosphorescent adj. Having the property of emitting light for a period of time after the source of excitation is taken away…
phosphorescent n. A phosphorescent substance.
PHOSPHORESCENT adj. exhibiting phosphorescence.
PHOTORECEPTIONphotoreception n. (Biology) The absorption of light energy by plants and animals, and its utilization for biologically…
PHOTORECEPTION n. the perception of waves in the range of visible light.
PITHECANTHROPIPITHECANTHROPUS n. any of several primitive extinct men from Java.
PRECENTORSHIPSprecentorships n. Plural of precentorship.
PRECENTORSHIP n. the office of precentor.
PYELONEPHRITICpyelonephritic adj. Relating to pyelonephritis.
PYELONEPHRITIC adj. relating to pyelonephritis, inflammation of both the kidney and its pelvis.
RAPPROCHEMENTSrapprochements n. Plural of rapprochement.
RAPPROCHEMENT n. (French) a resumption of or improvement in relations between countries or persons.
SPINTHARISCOPEspinthariscope n. (Historical) An early device for observing individual nuclear disintegrations.
SPINTHARISCOPE n. an instrument for visually detecting alpha particles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 90 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 13 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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