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There are 17 four-letter words containing D, O and P

APODapod adj. Lacking feet; apodal.
apod adj. Lacking a ventral fin.
apod n. An animal without feet.
DOPAdopa n. The amino acid dihydroxyphenylalanine that is generated in the liver from tyrosine and then converted…
DOPA n. Alternative letter-case form of dopa.
-dopa suff. (Pharmacology) Used to form names of dopamine receptor agonists or dopamine derivatives used as antiparkinsonisms…
DOPEdope n. (Uncountable) Any viscous liquid or paste, such as a lubricant, used in preparing a surface.
dope n. (Uncountable) An absorbent material used to hold a liquid.
dope n. (Uncountable, aeronautics) Any varnish used to coat a part, such as an airplane wing or a hot-air balloon…
DOPSdops n. Plural of dop.
DOP v. to dip.
DOPYdopy adj. Alternative spelling of dopey.
DOPY adj. lethargic; stupid, also DOPEY.
DORPdorp n. (Now chiefly South Africa) A village or small town; a town considered provincial.
DORP n. (South African) a South African village or small town.
DOUPdoup n. (Scotland) The bottom end of something; the human buttocks.
doup n. (Scotland) A cigarette butt.
do␣up v. (Transitive, idiomatic) To fasten (A piece of clothing, etc.); to tighten (A nut etc.).
DOWPdowp n. Alternative form of doup.
DOWP n. (Scots) the bottom of anything, also DOUP.
DROPdrop n. (Also figuratively) A small quantity of liquid, just large enough to hold its own round shape through…
drop n. (Figuratively) A very small quantity of liquid, or (by extension) of anything.
drop n. That which hangs or resembles a liquid globule, such as a hanging diamond earring or ornament, a glass…
OPEDoped v. Simple past tense and past participle of ope.
op-ed n. A newspaper page containing signed articles by commentators expressing viewpoints that may not agree…
op-ed adj. Of or being a newspaper page, usually opposite the editorial page, that features signed articles expressing…
PLODplod n. A slow or labored walk or other motion or activity.
plod v. (Intransitive) To walk or move slowly and heavily or laboriously (+ on, through, over).
plod v. (Transitive) To trudge over or through.
PODSpods n. Plural of pod.
pods v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pod.
PODs n. Plural of POD.
PONDpond n. An inland body of standing water, either natural or man-made, that is smaller than a lake.
pond n. An inland body of standing water of any size that is fed by springs rather than by a river.
pond n. (Colloquial) The Atlantic Ocean. Especially in across the pond.
POODpood n. An obsolete Russian unit of mass, equal to 40 Russian funt, or about 16.38 kg (approximately 36.11 pounds).
pood n. A Russian unit of mass used for kettlebells, now rounded off to 16 kg (about 35.274 pounds).
POOD n. (Russian) a Russian unit of weight.
PRODprod v. (Transitive) To poke, to push, to touch.
prod v. (Transitive, informal) To encourage, to prompt.
prod v. (Transitive) To prick with a goad.
SPODspod n. (Internet) One who uses talkers, an early form of chat room.
spod n. (Colloquial) One who studies excessively and is disliked by fellow students because of it; a swot.
spod n. (Colloquial) One who wastes time on nonproductive activities online.
UPDOupdo n. A woman’s hairdo in which most hair is kept above the neck.
UPDO n. an upswept hairdo.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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