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There are 14 six-letter words containing D, J and N

ADJOINadjoin v. (Transitive) To be in contact or connection with.
adjoin v. (Transitive, mathematics, chiefly algebra and number theory) To extend an algebraic object (E.g. a field…
ADJOIN v. to lie next to.
DJINNIdjinni n. Alternative spelling of djinn.
DJINNI n. (Arabic) a supernatural being in Muslim mythology, also DJIN, DJINN, DJINNY, GENIE, JANN, JIN, JINN, JINNEE, JINNI.
DJINNSdjinns n. Plural of djinn.
DJINN n. a supernatural being in Muslim mythology, also DJIN, DJINNI, DJINNY, GENIE, JANN, JIN, JINN, JINNEE, JINNI.
DJINNYdjinny n. Archaic form of djinni.
DJINNY n. (Arabic) one of a class of spirits in Muslim theology, also DJIN, DJINN, DJINNI, GENIE, JANN, JIN, JINN, JINNEE, JINNI.
DONJONdonjon n. The fortified tower of a motte or early castle; a keep.
DONJON n. the main tower of a castle.
JADINGjading v. Present participle of jade.
JADE v. to tire.
JEANEDjeaned adj. (Chiefly in combination) Wearing jeans.
JEANED adj. wearing jeans.
JINKEDjinked v. Simple past tense and past participle of jink.
JINK v. to dodge nimbly.
JINXEDjinxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of jinx.
JINX v. to bring bad luck to.
JOCUNDjocund adj. Jovial; exuberant; lighthearted; merry and in high spirits; exhibiting happiness.
JOCUND adj. marked by or suggestive of high spirits and lively mirthfulness.
JOINEDjoined v. Simple past tense and past participle of join.
JOIN v. to unite.
JORDANjordan n. (Obsolete) A vessel resembling a retort bulb or Florence flask with a truncated neck and flared mouth…
jordan n. (Obsolete) A chamber pot.
Jordan prop.n. A placename.
JUNKEDjunked v. Simple past tense and past participle of junk.
JUNK v. to discard as trash.
NDUJASNDUJA n. (Italian) a paste of cured pork, peppers, and spices, originating in Calabria in SW Italy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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