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There are 19 six-letter words containing D, S and X

AXISEDaxised adj. (In combination) Having the specified number or kind of axes.
AXISED adj. having an axis.
AXOIDSaxoids n. Plural of axoid.
AXOID n. a curve generated by the revolution of a point round an advancing axis.
AXSEEDAXSEED n. a kind of vetch, aka crown vetch.
DEIXESdeixes n. Plural of deixis.
DEIXIS n. (Greek) use of words relating to the utterer's time and place.
DEIXISdeixis n. (Linguistics) The use of a word, such as a pronoun, to refer to something that must be identified from…
DEIXIS n. (Greek) use of words relating to the utterer's time and place.
DESOXYdesoxy- pref. Alternative spelling of deoxy-.
DESOXY adj. having less oxygen than its parent compound, also DEOXY.
DEXIESdexies n. Plural of dexy.
dexies n. Plural of dexie.
DEXY n. a pill containing Dexedrine, a sulfate used as a stimulant, also DEX, DEXIE.
DIXIESdixies n. Plural of dixie.
DIXIE n. (Hindi) a military cooking-pot, also DIXY.
DIXITSDIXIT n. (Latin) an utterance or statement (quoted as) already made.
DOXIESdoxies n. Plural of doxy.
doxies n. Plural of doxie.
DOXIE n. a doctrine, also DOXY.
EXODESexodes n. Plural of exode.
EXODE n. (Greek) the concluding part of a Greek drama, a farce or afterpiece.
EXODOSexodos n. (Drama, Ancient Greek drama) A final scene or departure in a play, especially a tragedy.
EXODOS n. (Greek) a concluding dramatic scene.
EXODUSexodus n. A sudden departure of a large number of people.
exodus v. To depart from a place in a large group.
Exodus prop.n. The departure of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt under the leadership of Moses.
EXUDESexudes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exude.
EXUDE v. to ooze forth.
HEXADShexads n. Plural of hexad.
HEXAD n. (Greek) a group of six, also HEXADE.
OXIDESoxides n. Plural of oxide.
OXIDE n. a compound containing oxygen, also OXID.
SEXFIDsexfid adj. (Botany) cleft into six.
SEXFID adj. cleft in six.
SEXTEDsexted v. Simple past tense and past participle of sext.
SEXT v. to send a text message of a sexual nature.
SPADIXspadix n. (Botany) A fleshy spike (inflorescence) with reduced flowers, usually enclosed by a spathe, characteristic of aroids.
spadix n. (Zoology) A male sexual organ of certain cephalopods and hydrozoans (especially the nautilus), used to transfer sperm.
SPADIX n. (Greek) a flower-spike covered by large leaf, as in the arum plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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