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There are 19 words containing D, O, W and X

BOXWOODboxwood n. (Countable, uncountable) The box tree, Buxus sempervirens.
boxwood n. (Uncountable) The hard, close-grained wood of this tree, used in delicate woodwork and in making inlays.
boxwood n. (Countable, uncountable) Any tree of genus Buxus.
MIXDOWNmixdown n. The process by which multiple recorded sounds are combined into one or more channels.
MIXDOWN n. mixing a multitrack recording down to just stereo.
WOADWAXwoadwax n. Alternative form of woad-waxen.
WOADWAX n. dyer's greenweed, also WOADWAXEN, WOODWAX, WOODWAXEN.
WOODBOXwoodbox n. A box used for the storage of wood, particularly firewood.
WOODBOX n. a container for firewood, also WOODBIN.
WOODWAXwoodwax n. Alternative form of woad-waxen.
WOODWAX n. dyer's greenweed, also WOADWAX, WOADWAXEN, WOODWAXEN.
BOXWOODSboxwoods n. Plural of boxwood.
BOXWOOD n. the wood of the box, noted for its fine grain.
MIXDOWNSmixdowns n. Plural of mixdown.
MIXDOWN n. mixing a multitrack recording down to just stereo.
SHADOWBOXshadowbox n. A diorama or shallow display case, usually with a glass front.
shadowbox n. A rectangular display area that is set off with a frame or drop shadow.
shadowbox n. A box with a light inside used for reading X-ray images.
WOADWAXENwoadwaxen n. Alternative form of woad-waxen.
woad-waxen n. The leguminous plant Genista tinctoria, native to Europe.
WOADWAXEN n. dyer's greenweed, also WOADWAX, WOODWAX, WOODWAXEN.
WOODBOXESwoodboxes n. Plural of woodbox.
WOODBOX n. a container for firewood, also WOODBIN.
WOODWAXENwoodwaxen n. Alternative form of woad-waxen.
WOODWAXEN n. dyer's greenweed, also WOADWAX, WOADWAXEN, WOODWAX.
COXSWAINEDcoxswained v. Simple past tense and past participle of coxswain.
COXSWAIN v. to steer a racing rowboat, also COX.
WOADWAXENSwoadwaxens n. Plural of woadwaxen.
woad-waxens n. Plural of woad-waxen.
WOADWAXEN n. dyer's greenweed, also WOADWAX, WOODWAX, WOODWAXEN.
WOODWAXENSwoodwaxens n. Plural of woodwaxen.
WOODWAXEN n. dyer's greenweed, also WOADWAX, WOADWAXEN, WOODWAX.
SHADOWBOXEDshadowboxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of shadowbox.
shadow-boxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of shadow-box.
shadow␣boxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of shadow box.
SHADOWBOXESshadowboxes n. Plural of shadowbox.
shadowboxes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shadowbox.
shadow-boxes n. Plural of shadow-box.
SHADOWBOXINGshadowboxing n. A form of solo exercise, involving throwing punches at the air, and not at an opponent.
shadowboxing v. Present participle of shadowbox.
shadow-boxing v. Present participle of shadow-box.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 188 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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