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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 14 fifteen-letter words containing 2D, G and 2I

BIODEGRADATIONSbiodegradations n. Plural of biodegradation.
BIODEGRADATION n. the state of being biodegraded.
DEGRADABILITIESdegradabilities n. Plural of degradability.
DEGRADABILITY n. the quality of being degradable.
DEHYDROGENISINGdehydrogenising v. Present participle of dehydrogenise.
DEHYDROGENISE v. to remove hydrogen from, also DEHYDROGENIZE.
DEHYDROGENIZINGdehydrogenizing v. Present participle of dehydrogenize.
DEHYDROGENIZE v. to remove the hydrogen from, also DEHYDROGENISE.
DIGNIFIEDNESSESDIGNIFIEDNESS n. the state of being dignified.
DISGUISEDNESSESDISGUISEDNESS n. the state of being disguised.
INDIVIDUALISINGindividualising v. Present participle of individualise.
INDIVIDUALISE v. to make individual, also INDIVIDUALIZE.
INDIVIDUALIZINGindividualizing v. Present participle of individualize.
INDIVIDUALIZE v. to make individual in character, also INDIVIDUALISE.
MISGUIDEDNESSESmisguidednesses n. Plural of misguidedness.
MISGUIDEDNESS n. the state of being misguided.
OLIGODENDROGLIAoligodendroglia n. (Anatomy) tissue (neuroglia) consisting of glial cells that are smaller than astrocytes and form the myelin sheath.
OLIGODENDROGLIA n. a glia made up of oligodendrocytes that forms the myelin sheath around axons in the central nervous system.
UNDERDELIVERINGunderdelivering v. Present participle of underdeliver.
UNDERDELIVER v. to fail to achieve what has been expected or promised.
UNDERDIAGNOSINGunderdiagnosing v. Present participle of underdiagnose.
UNDERPRIVILEGEDunderprivileged adj. Deprived of the opportunities and advantages of others, usually through no fault of one’s own.
underprivileged n. A deprived person; deprived people (normally used as a plural).
UNDERPRIVILEGED adj. deprived through social or economic condition of some of the fundamental rights of all members of a civilized society.
UNDISTINGUISHEDundistinguished adj. Not distinguished: not marked by conspicuous qualities.
undistinguished adj. Not distinguished: not having an air of distinction.
UNDISTINGUISHED adj. not distinguished.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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