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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 15 fifteen-letter words containing 2D, 2I and M

ADENOIDECTOMIESadenoidectomies n. Plural of adenoidectomy.
ADENOIDECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the adenoids, also ADENECTOMY.
AMPHIDIPLOIDIESAMPHIDIPLOIDY n. the state of being amphidiploid.
AUTODIDACTICISMautodidacticism n. Self-education; self-directed learning.
AUTODIDACTICISM n. the state of being autodidactic.
AZIDOTHYMIDINESazidothymidines n. Plural of azidothymidine.
AZIDOTHYMIDINE n. a derivative of thymidine.
DIMENHYDRINATESdimenhydrinates n. Plural of dimenhydrinate.
DIMENHYDRINATE n. a crystalline antihistamine used esp. to prevent nausea, as in motion sickness.
DIPHENHYDRAMINEdiphenhydramine n. (Pharmacology) An antihistamine and anticholinergic drug that blocks the effect of histamine at H1 receptor…
DIPHENHYDRAMINE n. a type of antihistamine.
DISCOMMENDATIONdiscommendation n. (Archaic) blame; censure; reproach; shunning.
DISCOMMENDATION n. the act of discommending.
DISCOMMISSIONEDdiscommissioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of discommission.
DISCOMMISSION v. (Milton) to deprive of a commission.
DISCOMMODIOUSLYdiscommodiously adv. In a discommodious manner.
DISCOMMODIOUS adv. inconvenient.
DISINTERMEDIATEdisintermediate v. (Business, banking, finance) To carry out disintermediation.
HYDRODYNAMICISThydrodynamicist n. One who studies hydrodynamics.
HYDRODYNAMICIST n. a student of hydrodynamics.
MALADMINISTEREDmaladministered v. Simple past tense and past participle of maladminister.
MALADMINISTER v. to administer wrongly.
MIDDELMANNETJIEmiddelmannetjie n. (South Africa) A ridge between ruts made by wheels in a dirt or gravel road.
MIDDELMANNETJIE n. (South African) a ridge between the ruts made by wheels in a dirt road.
MISGUIDEDNESSESmisguidednesses n. Plural of misguidedness.
MISGUIDEDNESS n. the state of being misguided.
MULTICANDIDATESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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