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There are 15 seven-letter words containing D, F, 2O and R

AFFOORDaffoord v. Obsolete spelling of afford.
AFFOORD v. (Spenser) to afford.
DOOFERSdoofers n. Plural of doofer.
DOOFER n. a thingummybob The name will 'do for now'.
FIRWOODfirwood n. The wood of the fir tree.
firwood n. A wood largely populated with fir trees.
FIRWOOD n. the wood of the fir tree.
FLOODERflooder n. (Agriculture) A channel or device for carrying and controlling water used in flood irrigation.
flooder n. (Internet slang) A person who floods message boards, chat rooms etc. with unwanted or repetitive comments.
flooder n. (Informal) Something that tends to flood.
FLOOREDfloored v. Simple past tense and past participle of floor.
FLOOR v. to supply with the lower supporting surface of a room.
FOODERYfoodery n. A place that serves food.
FOODERY n. a restaurant.
FOODOIRfoodoir n. A memoir that focuses on food and/or includes recipes.
FOODOIR n. a book or blog that combines a personal memoir with a series of recipes.
FORBODEforbode n. (Archaic) A forbidding, a prohibition; a command forbidding a thing.
forbode v. Obsolete simple past of forbid.
forbode v. Alternative form of forebode.
FORDOESfordoes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fordo.
FORDO v. to destroy, also FOREDO.
FORDONEfordone v. Simple past tense and past participle of fordo.
fordone adj. Exhausted; worn out; overcome.
fordone adj. Destroyed; utterly ruined.
ODORFULodorful adj. Odorous.
ODORFUL adj. strong smelling, also ODOURFUL.
OXFORDSoxfords n. Plural of oxford.
Oxfords n. Plural of Oxford.
OXFORD n. a soft durable plain-woven cotton.
PROOFEDproofed v. Simple past tense and past participle of proof.
PROOF v. to examine for errors.
REDFOOTREDFOOT n. a fatal disease of newborn lambs.
REFLOODreflood v. To flood again.
REFLOOD v. to flood again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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