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There are 18 eight-letter words containing D, 2L, S and U

BULLDOGSbulldogs n. Plural of bulldog.
BULLDOG v. to wrestle and throw a steer.
BULLDUSTbulldust n. (Australia) Fine red dust, found in desert regions of Australia.
bulldust n. (Australia, slang) Nonsense; blatantly false statements.
bull␣dust n. A very fine dust that typically settles in potholes on outback roads. The dust usually settles to make…
CALLUSEDcallused v. Simple past tense and past participle of callus.
callused adj. Having calluses.
CALLUS v. to form a hard growth.
COLLUDEScolludes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of collude.
COLLUDE v. to conspire.
DUALLIESDUALLIE n. a pickup truck with double rear wheels.
DUELLERSduellers n. Plural of dueller.
DUELLER n. one who duels, also DUELER, DUELIST, DUELLIST.
DUELLISTduellist n. (British spelling) alternative spelling of duelist.
DUELLIST n. one who duels, also DUELER, DUELIST, DUELLER.
DULLARDSdullards n. Plural of dullard.
Dullards prop.n. Plural of Dullard.
DULLARD n. a dolt.
DULLIESTDULLY adj. somewhat dull.
DULLNESSdullness n. The quality of being slow of understanding things; stupidity.
dullness n. The quality of being uninteresting; boring; humorless or irksome.
dullness n. Lack of interest or excitement.
DUSTBALLdustball n. A ball of dust.
dustball n. (Archaic) A ball of grain-dust formed in the intestine of a diseased horse.
DUSTBALL n. a ball of dust.
DUXELLESduxelles n. (Cooking) A finely chopped mixture of mushrooms, onions, shallots and herbs sautéed in butter and reduced…
DUXELLES n. (French) a mince of mushrooms, chopped shallots and herbs simmered in butter.
GALLUSEDGALLUSED adj. suspended by galluses.
MEDULLASmedullas n. Plural of medulla.
MEDULLA n. (Latin) the central tissue in the stems of certain plants.
MUDSILLSmudsills n. Plural of mudsill.
MUDSILL n. the lowest supporting timber of a structure.
SLUMLORDslumlord n. (Derogatory) A person who makes money by renting housing that is kept in poor condition.
SLUMLORD n. a landlord of slum property.
SQUALLEDsqualled v. Simple past tense and past participle of squall.
SQUALL v. to rain or blow with sudden strength.
UDALLERSudallers n. Plural of udaller.
UDALLER n. a holder of an udal estate, also ODALLER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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