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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing D, N, O, P and Y

DIAPHONYdiaphony n. (Music) A form of harmony in which the parts proceeded by parallel motion in fourths, fifths, and octaves.
DIAPHONY n. a system of rules for scientific investigation.
DOWNPLAYdownplay v. (Transitive) To de-emphasize; to present or portray as less important or consequential.
DOWNPLAY v. to understate, underemphasise.
DRYPOINTdrypoint n. (Uncountable) A technique of intaglio printmaking similar to engraving in which an image is incised…
drypoint n. (Countable) The needle used in this technique.
drypoint n. (Countable) A print made using this technique.
DUOPSONYduopsony n. An economic condition in which two buyers exert control over the market price of a commodity.
DUOPSONY n. the market condition when there are two buyers only.
DYSPNOEAdyspnoea n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of dyspnea.
dyspnœa n. Archaic spelling of dyspnea.
DYSPNOEA n. laboured breathing, also DYSPNEA.
DYSPNOICdyspnoic adj. Alternative form of dyspneic.
DYSPNOIC adj. of or like dyspnoea, laboured breathing, also DYSPNEAL, DYSPNEIC, DYSPNOEAL, DYSPNOEIC.
MONOPODYmonopody n. (Poetry) A measure of a single metrical foot.
MONOPODY n. a measure consisting of a single metrical food.
PALINODYpalinody n. Obsolete form of palinode.
PALINODY n. a poem which retracts an earlier poem, also PALINODE.
PANDOWDYpandowdy n. (US) A pudding of spiced, sliced apples (or other fruit), sugar and butter, baked with a crumble topping…
PANDOWDY n. a deep pie or pudding made of baked apples, or of sliced bread and apples baked together, with no bottom crust.
PAYDOWNSpaydowns n. Plural of paydown.
PAYDOWN n. the reduction of debt through repayment.
PHONEYEDphoneyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of phoney.
PHONEY v. to fake, counterfeit.
PLAYDOWNplaydown n. (Sports) Any match that is part of a playoff.
play␣down v. (Idiomatic, transitive) To make or attempt to make something seem less important, likely, or obvious.
PLAYDOWN n. a playoff.
POYSONEDpoysoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of poyson.
POYSON v. (obsolete) to poison.
PYINKADOpyinkado n. Burmese ironwood, Xylia xylocarpa.
PYINKADO n. (Burmese) the ironwood tree, also PYENGADU.
PYRANOIDpyranoid adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or having the structure of a pyranose.
PYRANOID adj. of or like the chemical compound pyran.
PYRENOIDpyrenoid n. (Biology) any of several transparent structures found in the chloroplast of certain algae etc.; they…
PYRENOID n. a protein body of certain lower organisms.
SPONDYLSspondyls n. Plural of spondyl.
SPONDYL n. (Greek) a vertebra; a thorny oyster.
SYPHONEDsyphoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of syphon.
SYPHON v. to draw off through a tube, also SIPHON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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