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There are 18 nine-letter words containing D, E, G, U and W

AGUEWEEDSagueweeds n. Plural of agueweed.
AGUEWEED n. a North American plant of the gentian family, having clusters of pale blue-violet or white flowers.
BUDGEROWSbudgerows n. Plural of budgerow.
BUDGEROW n. (Hindi) a heavy keelless barge, also BUDGERO.
BUGLEWEEDbugleweed n. Any of the aromatic herbs in genus Lycopus, especially Lycopus virginicus, water horehound.
bugleweed n. Ajuga, a group of herbs used for ground cover; bugle.
BUGLEWEED n. a plant of the mint family, having mild narcotic and astringent properties.
GOUTWEEDSGOUTWEED n. an umbelliferous weed, long supposed to be good for gout, also GOATWEED, GOUTWORT.
GREWHOUNDgrewhound n. (Scotland, obsolete) Synonym of greyhound.
GREWHOUND n. (dialect) a greyhound.
GUDEWIVESGUDEWIFE n. (Scots) the mistress of a household, also GOODWIFE.
GUIDEWAYSguideways n. Plural of guideway.
GUIDEWAY n. a track for controlling the line of motion of something.
GUIDEWORDguideword n. A watchword; a word or phrase that serves as one’s guide.
guideword n. (Publishing) A word that is printed at the top or bottom of the page in a reference work, in order to…
guideword n. (Chiefly business) Any of the words in a memo or email that define metadata regarding the message, such…
GULFWEEDSgulfweeds n. Plural of gulfweed.
GULFWEED n. a brownish seaweed.
GUNPOWDERgunpowder n. An explosive mixture of saltpetre (potassium nitrate), charcoal and sulphur; formerly used in gunnery…
gunpowder n. Short for gunpowder tea.
gunpowder n. (India, informal) Idli podi/milagai podi; ground-up dry spices mixed with oil and ghee and served alongside…
OUTGLOWEDoutglowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outglow.
OUTGLOW v. to surpass in glowing.
OUTGNAWEDoutgnawed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outgnaw.
OUTGNAW v. to surpass in gnawing.
OUTWINGEDoutwinged v. Simple past tense and past participle of outwing.
OUTWING v. to fly beyond.
SUBDEWINGsubdewing v. Present participle of subdew.
SUBDEW v. (Spenser) to bring under control, also SUBDUE.
UNDERGOWNundergown n. A gown worn under another, or under some other article of dress.
UNDERGOWN n. a gown worn under another, or under some other article of dress.
UNDERWINGunderwing n. A hind wing on an insect.
underwing n. A member of the genus Catocala, a nocturnal moth which usually has brightly coloured underwings.
underwing n. (Ornithology) The underside of a bird’s wing.
UNWEIGHEDunweighed adj. Not weighed.
unweighed adj. Not deliberately considered or pondered; hasty.
UNWEIGHED adj. not weighed; not pondered or considered; as, an unweighed statement.
WAVEGUIDEwaveguide n. A structure which guides waves, such as electromagnetic waves, light, or sound waves.
waveguide v. To act as a waveguide for.
WAVEGUIDE n. in electronics, a hollow metal conductor through which high-frequency energy can be propagated efficiently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 66 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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